
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:06:50
英语翻译随着经济全球化的到来,民营企业如雨后春笋般崛起,并得到迅速发展,已成为我国经济发展的一大亮点.民营企业的不断壮大也使其更多的参与到企业并购中来,但是并购成功的民营企 谁能准确的翻译下面这段话?Where do i go?What do i do?Who do i turn to?I'm losing my groundWho am i nowWhere does it end?How did it all begin?I'm losing my ground要有文采才给分哦~~~~~~ 英语翻译能量资源指的是在一定技术条件下,可以直接或通过转换产生各种形式能量或可作功的物质的统称.包括已经开发可供直接使用的自然资源和经过加工或转换的能量来源,而尚未开发的 请问一下地图的比例尺如何计算,像1: 有三根木棒,分别长12厘米,44厘米,56厘米,要把它们截成同样长的小棒,不许剩余,每根小棒最长能有多少厘米?共截成多少根小棒?要算式具体一点 两根木棒,分别长44厘米,56厘米,把它们截成同样长的小棒,不许剩余,每根小棒最多长 多少厘米?紧急, 有两根木棒分别44厘米和56厘米,要把它们都截成同样长的小棒,不许剩余,而且每根小棒都是整厘米数.那么共有多少种裁法?每根小棒最短几厘米?最长几厘米? 有两根木棒,长分别是12厘米,44厘米,现在把它们都截成同样长的小棒,小棒的长度是整厘米数,若无剩余,每根小最多长多少厘米? 英语口语搞不定,求方法. 有俩根木棒长度分别是56厘米和42厘米要把他们截成同样长的小棒可以有剩余,那摩 有3根小棒,分别长12厘米、44厘米、56厘米.要把它们截成同样长的小棒,不许剩余,共截成( )根小棒 把句子变成含有缩写的句子.英语的例:I am Kim.I'm Kim1.They are children.2.She is Ann.3.We are teachers.4.Jenny is not a boy.5.Let us go shopping.6.Mike and Peter are not girls. 有三根木棒,分别长12厘米,44厘米,56厘米.要把他们都截成同样长的小棒,不许剩余,每根小棒最长多少厘米? 帮忙看看英语文章有没有语法错误!感激不尽!Christmas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of December. It is a very happy day for many boys and girls.I can still remember the day last year I got the happiness feeling,because that day is my g 谁能帮忙看看这篇英语短文有没有语法错误或者标点错误?Many people think that it’s necessary to hold a spoken English test. The reason is very simple. Lots of students can get high marks in written English test but can’t spea 初三英语作文,帮忙看看有什么语法错误的地方.Hello ,everyone,I am glad to be here to share something about how to study math well.Here are my own ways :First,preview is very important,because it can help us understant what the teache 求英语学霸帮忙看看这篇文章有没有语法错误QAAAAAA【在线等!The education of Code of conduct in China and Foreign countriesSome researches show that many people in china prefer the education of code of conduct in some foreign coun 有一根木条长12cm,16cm和44cm,要把它们截成同样长的小棒,不能有剩余,每根小棒最长是多少厘米· 有一根木条长12cm,28cm和48cm,要把它们截成同样长的小棒,不能有剩余,每根小棒最长是多少厘米. 有两根小棒.一根长12厘米,另一根长16厘米,如果要把它们截成同样长的小棒,不能有剩余,每根最长是多少厘 两根小棒一根长12厘米另一根长16厘米如果把它们截成同样长的小棒不能有剩余每根小棒最长是()厘米一共截几段? 英语翻译当今社会快速发展,人的物质需求已不能满足精神需求,总希望通过设计来改变自身生活环境.近年来,工业发展迅速增强了经济实力和社会稳定繁荣,同时也破坏了自然环境和生态平衡. 英语翻译Sewage sludge (biosolids) is a byproduct of waste water treatment that accumulates in large quantities.In Austria the total annual sludge production in 2005 at municipal and industrial waste water treatment plants (WWTP) amounted to 264,0 英语强人帮帮我,文章找点错!I think that the resources can't be assign by the nation completely,the price also can't be whole to be decide by the market.First,China is the socialism nation,resources of first time the allotment should be car 英语短文 小弟笨 还有一篇短文(我好笨.)还是有可能会打错啊 Food is very important.everyone need to___1__well if he or she wanys to have a strong body.our minds also need a kind of food.this kind of food is __2___.we begin to 从我记事起,父母就告诉我不要说谎 翻译英语 我的名字叫王焕,麻烦英文达人帮起个好记好听的英文名! 麻烦帮忙起个好听的英文名,我的名字中有个芬字, 我的名字叫浩然,麻烦各位帮我起个好听的英文名最好是根据我的中文名字来起 英语翻译Paiement par virement bancaire ou chèque1) Ci-dessous les coordonnées bancaires de l'association :Crédit Lyonnais agence monplaisirCode établissement :30002 Code Guichet :01903 Numéro de compte :0000070019Q Clé :49 Our Bank Identifi 英语翻译Some people can spring out of bed at the crack of dawn and slip right into a pair of sneakers without stopping for coffee.Maybe you’re not one of them.But even people who profess to hate working out can come to truly enjoy exercise and 在一幅比例尺是1:5000000的地图上,量的A、B两地相距24厘米.如果在另一幅地图上A、B两地相距48厘米,B、C两地相距72厘米,问B、C两地实际相距多少?