
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 18:54:53
有没有关于特拉法加海战的影片!就是英国舰队与拿破仑和西班牙的联合舰队作战的那次!也是帆船时期最大的一次海战也是最后一次大的海战,其中有当时世界上最大的帆船战舰 英国的胜利号 关于特拉法加海战关于纳尔逊 After__the Internet for two hours,she found some useful information.A.searching B.had searchedAfter__the Internet for two hours,she found some useful information.A.searching B.had searched C.has searched D.searches(选择) 启动eclipse是报 no java virtual machine was found after searching the following location 现代汉语中的音调21是什么,不是只有四个音调么,55,35,214,51 求赞美春风、春水的诗句?如题~注意是“赞美” 普通话声调差别的本质是什么? 大海战2英国纳尔逊怎么样啊? The light in the room wasn’t _______for me to read.A.enough bright\x05 B.brightly enoughC.enough brightly\x05 D.bright enough 请问怎样翻译:人们将他视为最好的选手之一 He__________one of the best ___________ The light in the room wasn't ___ for the doctor to operate on the womana.enough bright b.brightly enough c.enough brightly d.brigh enoughwhy choodse 这是适合人居住的最好的城市之一It's one of the best cities()()()inIt's one of the best cities()()()()in one of the作主语谓语动词用什么形式? do one's best 后接动词的什么形式 one of加复数名词谓语动词用什么形式 如:one of the boys ()(watch)TV One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is……如何翻译? One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that,unlike the rises in the 1970s,it has not occurred against the background of generalcommodity-price inflation and global excess demand.这段话是什么意思呢?谢谢. one more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that^^^^中的OVER 英语翻译 All the more reason to do one’s research and not get in over ones head, no doubtAll the more reason to do one’s research and not get in over ones head, no doubt这句怎么翻译 Sometimes it will suggest areas that are in need of further study.表语部分为什么不是 in need to further study?in need of这个用法很少吧? 为何拿破仑和希特勒在战争期间都没有先征服英国就去打俄国,导致失败我觉得英国和俄国是长期遏制影响欧洲大陆的两个国家,英国的皇家舰队和大陆均势政策,俄国有强大的陆军和战略后方, 拿破仑征服过哪些国家? one of the best bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves.这句话这句话New Ocean Waves前加the是因为the best bands 提到了么,这算不算在上文中出现,还是别的什么原因? had后用动词原形吗 吕氏春秋常用的寓言故事 Literally loose hair of . 是什么意思中文 详细介绍一下冯唐和李广要求,1.字数越多越好2.要他们的出身,经历 怎样理解I won't lose no sleep on that就是这一类含有两个否定的句子 还有I won't tell no body She was with another man.But I won't lose no sleep on that,我喜欢这句话 翻译成英文 站在原地等你 that was one of __(exciting)moments in 2008 One day,Tony was crossing the track ,when he saw that there was __ wrong withit ,one of the railsseemed to be __ of its place .Just then he heard a noise ."The train __ ! It will soon be there !"Tony didn't think of any danger to __ ,and he ran and s