
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 01:32:34
请问白话文是什么? 已知f(x)=2cos^2(x-pai/4)-1,则f(pai/6) 已知代数式(x^2-3kxy-3y^2)-3(1/3xy-8)那么,当x等于何值时,这个代数式中不含xy的项? 已知函数f(x)=lnx,0 十五年前,在1998年时,娃哈哈矿泉水是1元,现在康师傅矿泉水是1元,等于没怎么涨啊 第一个:Public Xuv Mysub4(x As Integer) x=3*x-1 if x 从百草园到三味书屋中似乎和确凿各是什么意思 想用一个形容词形容这样一个事情,有合适的形容词吗?“有一样东西,放在不同的环境中,它表现出来完全不一样的特性.”有这样的形容词合适讲述这种情况吗? 他真觉的这身黑色的衣服有种神圣不可侵犯的威声,改为否定句 整体代入法解一元二次怎么做(举个例子) 利用整体代入法解三元一次方程 求英语遣词造句答案,词语:hang,sky 潜词造句还是遣词造句? 英语的遣词造句,用定语从句各写一个完整的句子,所给词必须用上1.Bing Xin children's works famous 2.Yao Ming person be good at3.Mr.Bean children popular 4.Deng Xiaoping great leader stronger and richer 英语遣词造句用 not,place,on that shelf,book造一个祈使句. 中国2010年上海世博会以下哪个英文简称是正确的 f(x)=-x^2+1(-1/2 英语单句改错5 放置在太空中的陀螺仪,它的旋转轴相对于什么方向不变呢?不会是相对于地球吧,地球是运动的啊,不但自转还公转,太阳系、银河系都在运动啊! 速读和记忆哪个重要? 快速阅读和记忆能力哪个更重要? “王”字怎么写好看“王”这个字签名时怎么写好看看起来大方点的 英语句子改错(5句在线等)1:Would you like to join the club setting up by our school?2:I am looking forward to see all of you again in the near future.3:The museum where we visited yesterday has a history of 100years.4:your adughter has wo 英语单句改错.五句!1.she is the girl with who I went there.2.This is the hero whom are proud.3.the only thing what we can do is to give you some money.4.do you known the things and persons which they are talking about?5.the factory which we ar 英语单句改错 就5句1.A few flowers were still remained on the trees at this time of year.2.What do you think happening to him?I haven't see him for year.3.They all offered me with the information I asked for.4.She lives at 105 Nanjing Road.5.H 英语:初二单句改错5句.每句有一处错误.1 .My friend has nicer clothes than I am.2 .Parents these days push their children much more harder than before.3 .Mary was angry at me.What should I say to her?4 .She does' t care much about her 超右脑照相记忆法★★★★★超右脑照相记忆法?超右脑照相记忆法?超右脑照相记忆法,超右脑照相记忆法?超右脑照相记忆法?是一种怎样的记忆法? 谁学过“超右脑照相记忆法”,关于“超右脑照相记忆法”?关于“超右脑照相记忆法”,假如我学会了3D卡、曼陀罗图、黄卡、1000张图等,怎么运用“超右脑照相记忆法”背诵一段文章呢?能举 曹小三最关心的还是刷子李身上到底有没有白点,把这个句子改变语序,保持意思不变 超右脑照相记忆法?怎么样?使用效果怎么样?很多朋友推荐★★【状元郎记忆大师】★★都说效果不错. 北京那里有卖【完美英语】的【七田真著】 典故出处居安思危,戒奢以俭忧劳兴国,逸豫亡身滋生骄逸之端,必践危亡之地宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来