
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:38:26
黄酒有点酸了还能喝吗,什么原因会变酸? 自家做的黄酒变酸了,怎么办?怎么样使它没有酸味 黄酒变酸了可以放些什么在里面? 醋和黄酒能发生化学反应吗 tan a=67/3求a度数 15.6/4-3.5x=1.1(怎么列方程啊) 1.4x/3=6.3*4(又怎样列方程啊啊~) 如图,已知AB平行CD,角A=36度,角C=120度,求角F-角E的大小. 以知y=kx+b,若x=2时,y=8,x=-1时,y=-7.求代数式kb-10/b-k的值 若m为正整数,且a的2m次方=3求(a的3次方)的2m次方-(a的4次方)的m次方+(a的m次方)的2次方 m为正整数,且x的2m次方等于3,求(3x的2m次方)的平方减去4(x的2m次方的值 把△ABC绕点C顺时针旋转35°,得到△A’B’C’,A’B’交AC与点D,∠A’DC=90°,求∠A的度数写过程 有一些标有3` 6` 9`12······的卡片,后一张卡片上的数比前一张卡片上的书.有一些分别标有3,6,9,12…的卡片,后一张卡片上的数比前一张卡片上的数大3,小华拿到了相邻的5张卡片,这些卡片之和 小宋和小华共有64本课外书,小宋的本数正好是小华的3倍,小宋和小华各有多少本课外书 小华书的本数是小玲的3倍,小华给小玲10本书后,小华书的本数是小玲的2倍.小华原来有()本书? 现有印着0,l,3,5,7,9的六张卡片,如果允许9可以作6用,那么从中任意抽出三张可以组成多少个三位书?例7.现有印着0,l,3,5,7,9的六张卡片,如果允许9可以作6用,那么从中任意抽出三张可以组成多少 小华图书本数的2/3与小军图书本数的3倍同样多,小华与小军图书本数的比是() 英语单选题,When you don't get enough,your body willhave a hard time fighting _____ diseases.A.against B.for C.on D.above 英语单选题 What do you ___this in english?A.call B.say C.speak D.tell逐个讲解讲清楚点吧 英语单选题,请讲解一下 英语单选题 最好带讲解The weather ____from hot to quite cold.A.varied B.to vary When _____ my translation with the model translation on the blackboard,I at once understand where I should improve.A.compared B.comparing 英语单选题,求讲解1 The business of each day ,___selling goods or shopping them ,went quite smoothly.A...it being B.was t C.be it D...it was2._______ ,he does not love herA ...As he likes her very much B.Though much he likes her C...Much altho 有一些分别标有3,6,9,12...的卡片,后一张卡片比前一张卡片上的数大3,小华拿了5张相邻的卡片,还有一点问题在这里:这些卡片上数字之和是150.(1)小华拿了哪5 张卡片(2)你能拿到相邻5张卡 有一些分别标有3,6,9,12...的卡片,后一张卡片比前一张卡片上的数大3,从中任意拿相邻的三张卡片,若它们上面的数之和为108,则拿到的是哪三张卡片? 有一些分别标有3,6,9,12...的卡片,后一张卡片比前一张卡片上的数大3,小华拿了·相邻的4张卡片(1)若这四张卡片上的数字之和为362,则小强拿到了那四张卡片!用方程解 在依次标有数字3、6、9、12……的卡片中,小明拿到3张卡片,它们的数字相邻,且数字之和为117.我要具体过程1.小明拿到的卡片是标有哪些数字的?2.你能否拿到数字相邻的4张卡片,使其数字之 英语单选题-————需要解释before the final examination ,we made efforts()our leasons,however ,the naughty boy paid more attention to ()than learningA.going over ,playing B,go over ,to play C,to go over ,play D,to go over ,playin 英语单选题解释These waterways make it possible for boats to travel_____ports along the coast without being exposed to the dangers of the open.答案是between,请问为什么不是among? 英语单选题 Drink( ) your milk.A.off B.up C.away D.in 有一些分别标有3,6,9,12…的卡片,后一张卡片上的数比前一张卡片上的数大3,小华拿到了相邻的5张卡片,这些卡片之和为555.(1)小华拿到了哪5张卡片?(2)你能拿到5张相邻卡片,使得这些卡片 求几个英语单选题(要答案解释)1.-I don't like calssical music,but I enjioy pop songs.-_________A.So do i B.Neither do I C.So it is with me D.So am I2.___they visited the Science Museum,they showed great interest in everything they saw. 几道英语单选题,1.Hongkong is not at all______a traveler who has never visited before can expect.A.what B.that C.which D.where 2.--What makes you stay at home last week --__________.A.Because I caught a bad cold.B.Because of a bad cold.C.Bad co 几道英语单选题 1 The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as_itssoils and the waters of its lakes,rivers and oceans.A is B do C has D are2 They try to find what the difference between_cars is.A Mary and Lucy"s B Mary and Lucy C Mary and L