
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:00:23
when do your homework 三人行,必有我师焉;择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之.这句话是谁说的/ Old people are always saying that the young are not What they were翻译 help sb to do sth中的to do是不是不定式?不定式还有哪些? 英语翻译农村的文化生活无法与大城市相比.country's culture life couldn't compare with big city's国家的独立庆典继续进行着,好像什么也没发生一样.national independence celebration countined to carry on and as if the 请帮我检查一下,这段英语有没有错?我写的.I think the most important thing of a person is health.I dread falling ill,but last weekend I had a toothache again.I could not sleep when a toothache got me down.I am still hesitating to go to (好了,请你检查)用英语怎么读 巨创的读音 "惩创"的读音?这个到底念什么? 惩创的创读音疑问?惩创的创按照其词义应读一声,可人教版鲁迅一课的课下注解却明明白白注音为四声.提前拜谢! 创伤的创是不是有两种读音?我的意思是“创伤”这个词是不是有两种读法 其真无马邪?其真不知马也.后一个“其”翻译为“其实”,“恐怕”还是“他们(代指食马者)”?希望有准确答案. 英语对话,关于银行的~Cue Card B (for Student B)Situation :You are the bank clerk and is receiving your customerYou are going to :Introduce the current accounts and fixed accounts for individuals ;Give some advice to your customer ;Ask the cus 有没有关于银行的英语对话? keep a diary的意思急用 英语对话,关于银行办理业务的对话.帮帮忙哈~~啦Cue Card B(for student B)Situation :After tourism ,you come to the bank to exchange the moneyYou are going to :Express your purpose and ask the current exchange rate ;Fill in the exchan keep diaries这个用法是正确的吗?keep a diary的复数是keep diaries吗?RT.希望各位老师或者学长学姐们认真回答.我在网上查到有人说可以用keep diaries,有人说不可以,求教哪种是正确的.I often ___last year.A 怎麼用keep a diary造句? 关于孔子的成语故事(韦编三绝与推己及人除外)要讲清故事的由来和含义 项王身亦被十余创的被是什么意思? 东渡乌江 中 “持短兵接战”中“兵”什么意思?“项王身亦被十余创”中“被”什么意思?要标准的,有赏哦 孔子读书“韦编三绝”说的是什么事? 持短兵接战的兵 项王身亦被十余创的的被分别是什么意思、、项羽本纪的速度、、! 平明,汉军乃觉之 翻译 蔷薇共有几种颜色,分别是 3Q蔷薇,不是玫瑰 W___do they want to have a boy?的W开头的词应该填什么? they have to spend more money___they want for something.A thanB thatB that做关系代词,money做先行词不可以吗那这句话该怎么翻译 A:Where do you want to go________?B:I want to _____ jasper s ,they have the best quality clothes,A:I do not like_____,the clothes are too expensiveB:well,we could go to funky fashionsA:it is a good idea,but it is five miles_____ will your mother let They are ___tired.They want to have ___waterA.a bit ,a bit of B.a little,a little of为什么选A不能选B? 谁能给几个像孔子一样负有责任感的人的名人事例,举上3、4个例子,必须是古人 孔子为什么是中国伟人 急求一篇有关工作与休息的英语对话题目是what is the relationship between work and pleasure?