
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 22:22:45
T1 with so many problems ___________,the mayor has been working late into the night A to settle B to be settled C settled D settling为什么选择A?我 当时选了B ..T2 she was so angry at all ____ he was ding ______ she walked out and closed the 校能组什么词语 用定义证明f(x)=|x-1|在x=1的时候不存在 已知f(f(x))=-x^3+x^2+1且f(x)在R上可微,证明f(x)不存在RT 高一一道英语选择,求解,谢谢.一道英语题,高一的,请把ABCD每个选择都解释一遍,谢谢.要分析思路.Great changed have taken place in that school ,It is no longer ___it was ten years ago____it was so.A what when B tha 怎样促进良好班风的形成 在一个减法算式里,被减数、减数与差的和等于192,被减数是差的3倍.减数是多少? ①晋军大败楚军,谁赢了?②长平之战中,赵军大败,谁赢了? 例如:上海队大败广东队,得了冠军 硕本连读是什么意思 -what is your new english teacher like?-____-in a word,you can't think too highly of him .A,he is fond of musicB,he is in his thirtiesC,he is smart,humorous and handsomeD,he likes playing football in his spare time请说明理由, “本-硕-博分流连读制”是啥意思? you could hardly imagine that KARL_____have lived and died in LONDON.A.shouldB,mightC.wouldD.could 刻画人物的成语1全面2有多少写多少 专硕和学硕的意思? 一道英语选择题【高一】the boy and the girl each ( ) toys.为什么选have their own?而不是has their own? 描写刻画人物的成语有哪些? 有没有刻画人物内心的成语? 刻画人物外貌成语常用什么写少年?常用什么写青年?常用什么写壮年? 《雪》鲁迅与《雪》王鲁彦的阅读答案雪》鲁迅暖国的雨,向来没有变过冰冷的坚硬的灿烂的雪花.博识的人们觉得他单调,他自己也以为不幸否耶?江南的雪,可是滋润美艳之至了;那是还在隐 Let me ____ ____ _____ _____the boy翻译是:让我来看看这个男孩吧 Let’s look at the boy in the picture.He[ ]New Jersey,US.His[ ]is Mike Petillo.He is a[ ]boyand he can play many instruments very well.At the age of 5,he[ ]to learn to play the drums.When he was 8,he began to learn the[ ].Now at 13,mike Petillo[ ]pl 在探究平抛运动的规律时,可以选用图甲所示的各种装置图,以下操作合理的是A.选用装置1研究平抛物体竖直分运动,应该用眼睛看A、B两球是否同时落地B.选用装置2时,要获得稳定的细水柱所 班级管理中如何体现严与爱的教育 Cappuccino什么意思? 苑加部首组词 流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,( )了芭蕉 照样子,写词语.雪上加霜()()()() 校分别有几个音,分别是什么,怎么组词 沙洋县当地有大超市吗? 校分别有几个音,分别是什么,怎么组词.jiji 如图,等腰梯形ABCD中,AD∥BC,对角线AC与BD交于点E,∠ADB=60°,BD=12,且BE:ED=51,求这个梯形的周长.