
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/23 21:38:45
英语翻译 How is he getting on with his study?(同义句替换)How is ___ ___ getting on? Peter did not feel well.His moter took him to the doctor.Doctor:You don't ___feel very well,Peter.How do you feel?Peter:I feel ___all the time.D:Do you feel sick?P:Only a little.But I___weak most of the time.D:Have you got a sore throat?P:Yes,and I h 这是哪个韩国明星 貌似名字是这样YOUNG KIM 在下列横线上动植物名,构成成语1,-丝马迹 2,青-竹马3,--一现 4,飞-扑火5瓜田-下 6,出水--7-木寸光 8,多如-毛 Did you go ( ) interesting during the summer hoildays? 是 anywhere 还是 somewhereDid you go ( ) interesting during the summer hoildays? 是 anywhere 还是 somewhere 要准确答案! Did you go ( ) interesting during the summer holiday?正确答案是anywhere 还是somewhere? 肥城市王瓜店镇初级中学 .我刚上初一. 英语翻译韩文是김이바 求翻译.There's got to be something for my soul somewhere 体检CD8.CD3 细胞绝对计数低 性别 女 年龄 38 体检CD8.CD3 细胞绝对计数低 流式细胞检测CD3+CD8+结果14.20正常21.0 I dont need a perfect relationship I just need someone who wontgive up on me啥意思? I need someone to care,who can give me? 肥城市龙山桥介绍 find out what each statement is about翻译以及运用的语法详细点 肥城龙山桥的详细简介 I need someone who won't give up on me let me see you to my core 翻译是啥 I need someone who won’t give up on me no matter how many times I mess up. 一个患有白化病的父亲和一个正常的母亲生出了一个正常的女孩,那这个女孩对今后的生活和生育有影响吗? 一块平行四边形麦四,底是65米,高是50米,一共收小麦2210干千克平均每平方米收小麦多少千克? 女人原始的祖先是什么人有人知道吗?知道的请给我下答案?我女朋友给我出的题...谢谢大家了 T细胞如何辅助B细胞的免疫应答 these scienists have made a great c to sending uo the satellites into outer place1\these scienists have made a great c to sending uo the satellites into outer place2\wu ke has won the first place.she deserves it because she is the most h girl in the 参加免疫应答的核心细胞有哪两种,辅助细胞有哪两种? in purple中的in代表什么意思? 求一首歌曲的名称,我记得歌词里面是含有“狂风暴雨,我爱你我爱你”男歌手唱的,唱得比较激昂.求一首歌曲的名称 我记得歌词里面是含有“狂风暴雨,我爱你我爱你”男歌手唱的,唱得比较激 He plays ( ) the Houston rockets.求括号 爷爷家有一块三角形的小麦地,底32米、高15米,今年一共收小麦134.4千克.平均每平方米收小麦多少千克? 把词语中缺的字补出来生死()关 ()不成军 经年()月 ()差不齐 根深()固 ()遗余力 ()难而进 ()水长流 ()公好龙 鹿死()手 量体()衣 初()茅庐 吴牛喘() ()风得 填出诗句中缺少的词1、一年好景君须记,正是橙( )橘( )时2、渭城朝雨( )轻尘,客舍( )( )新 太阳出来喜洋洋,打一祝词