
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:54:52
穿井得一人翻译 帮忙'写篇英语作文,waiting from small thing帮忙'写篇英语作文,waiting from small things 我刚背完六级,我该干些什么,现在 不打算继续背单词,想横向提升下,谁能给点意见,谢谢我是大一新生,以后准备出国 六年级英语练习题,答得多的采纳1.We spoke how to study for our motherland(祖国) at this class meeting.A.about,good B.to,well C.with,good D.about,hard2.are the durians from Tailand?A.How much B.How many C.How long D.How often 3.your moth 英语翻译John Walsom is a Surrey artist who's renowned for his paintings of architectural subjects.He has illustrated the buildings of some of the best known companies and people in the world.He can also be commissioned to paint a very affordable 对于每个非零自然数,抛物线y=x^2-2n+1/n(n+1)+1/n(n+1)与x轴交于An、Bn两点,以AnBn表示这两点之间的距离则A1B1+A2B2+……+A2009B2009的值是 对于非零自然数n,抛物线y=(n^2+n)x^2-(2n+1)与x轴相交于An,Bn两点,若以【AnBn】表示这两点的距离,则【A1B1】+【A2B2】+【A3B3】+……+【A2010B2010】的值是多少? 五年级下册14课小练笔怎么写?(350字左右) 英语翻译Similar criticisms apply to Protheroe et al.'s study with 19 predictors entered into their model... Hello where r u my dear 翻译中文 英语翻译Tell Lily to send a pics with her glasses and with friends to Raymond. 英语翻译My dear,they say it is better short-term pain,but god knows how much i love you.Without you i don't know how i would react,we did not dare to think about,i think it is a lifetime if things were,but my life where there is only one on your. 英语翻译想在这里快速的 找到这句英文的中文翻译 again a feeling heart.hello,again my old dear place 设n为自然数,关于x的一元二次方程x^2+(2n+1)x+n^2=0的两个根记作an、bn.求1/(a3+1)(b3+1)+1/(a4+1)(b4+1)+……+1/(a20+1)(b20+1)的值. 打勾的那些题,第三大题求详细点,应用题就可以简单点! 未来和明天一起来了,用英语怎么说 贝壳像什么小动物? 拥有更加光明幸福的未来用英语怎么说 在解高一数学不等式组的时候,最后的解集是并还是交?有很多情况,有的是由绝对值的,有的是除了自变量还有其他字母的?最后的结果到底该怎么样啊? 请看此句语法,请看看我想的对不对原句:it's the ones who get all quiet and then suddenly throw up who worry me most.请看我说的对不对::第一个who从句(who get all quiet and then suddenly throw up )是ones的定语从 帮忙看个句子语法对不对?there is the very living standard and level which drops significantly生活水平下降,very用来表整个句子的强调 关于x的不等式,对于任意x属于(0,2】都有x的平方-ax+1大于等于0成立,则a的取值范围是 高一数学不等式题已知a>0,b>0,求证:1/a+4/b≥[2(根号二+1)二次方]/2a+b 这些是数据 地点1 帽贝:15只 玉黍螺:50只 水中盐度:50.6ms 温度:22.5c 溶解氧:110%sat 阳光强度:中 地点2 帽贝:2只 玉黍螺:4只 水中盐度:50.6ms 温度:21.8c 溶解氧:93%sat 阳光强 语文不咋地,数学比较好,英语也还行,政治也还行,历史比较差,地理也不好,选文还是选理 ken什么意思 不潮不用花钱里面BY2唱的英文什么意思hey greedy,don't fretwhat you see is what you getyou name it,i have itwhat you see is what you get ken是什么意思 there is no radio station worser than 97.9FM in town.这句话对吗? there is no radio station worse than 97.9FM in town.这句话对吗? (sorry), (is there) a (police station) (in) the town?那个括号是错的且改正. 不潮不用花钱中的英文不潮不花钱的这句英文什么意思:Little chick having chips on my sofa Bearbricxs take a shit on my sofa Smudge babies lying on my sofa Neighborhxxds and kiks singing “so-fa” Little chick having chips on m