
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:46:27
without you 的中文意思 15、 质量为M、长度为d的木块,放在光滑的水平面上,在木块右边有一个销钉把木块挡住,使木块不能向右滑动.质量为m的子弹以水平速度V0射入木块,刚好能将木块射穿.现在拔去销钉,使木块能在 把一个有确定方向和大小的力分解成两个力,已知一个分力有确定的方向,另一个分力有确定的值,则在分解时有唯一解?有无数组解?(选哪个) 为测定一张纸与桌面间的动摩擦因数,可将此纸粘在 英语翻译Jack started going to a new school this year.At first he did not have mamy friends.Many people laughed at him because he was taller than everyone else.They call him the giant.He is so tall that the school had to buy a special desk and cha 1 .在一辆匀速直线行驶的汽车上,抛下一个铁球,问这个铁球会降落在抛点前?还是在抛点上?2.在一辆加速行驶的汽车上,抛下一个铁球,问这个铁球会降落在抛点前?还是在抛点上?为什么!请讲明 1.两个共点力F1=F2=2N作用在质量为500g的物体上,当两力夹角为60度时,物体加速度为----?2.物体从塔顶开始做自由落体运动,如果第2秒下落的高度是塔高的1/3,则塔高为---米?我想知道是怎么算的? It's important to have a h___ lifestyle and It's important to keep a balabala diet. 你真是天才! 虽然说这个 有损我谦虚的一面 但是我还是想说 我真是天才中的天才 智者加看懂社会一切的人 真是天才中的天才. 你好,你真是个天才 关于对天才的看法 天才知道哦 go to 地点和go to the 地点之间的区别 Thhere is arom in the building.就arom提问 The children go to shool by bus.(就 画线部分提问) ——— To go to 是不是等于Go to shool? He's "friendly" and and "helpful".(对引号部分提问)( )is he( 请帮忙翻译下:the desk of the promotions manager 翻译:If consumers consider the quality of the insurance plans as well as the message in the ads,they will benefit from the advertising. After You Left 歌词 清末中国和日本都签定了哪些不平等条约 You can also see Big Ben.Big Ben is a clock I have to go to the station early,变为否定句. I think I'll have to go up again改为否定句 请以How I Kill My Spare Time 为题写一篇作文 the speech must be very exciting.the student are c____ their hands once again.have been to 与have gone to 的区别Miss Li taught math at his school ______(in/on/from/since)July ,1992last summer ,we had a fantastic time _____(sail) in Qingdaohe ____ while in some developing countries.为啥用while呀,咋看咋多余 neither of us are a teacher改错 并说明为什么 run with Can you help me with ----------(run)? 写出下句的同义句:Big Ben is the world famous clock tower . Big Ben is an old and huge clock.It is famous interesting place of London.用同样的方法写(下)Tower BridgeWashington D.CDisneyland