
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:23:16
flowers are also a kind of g____(根据首字母提示写单词) 怎样区分一个句子是否是现在完成时啊? 举例说明一般过去时和现在完成时的不同 请说说一般过去时和现在完成时的区分.请举具体列子说明. flowers,a,are,kind,gift,popular,of是怎么连词成句的 现在完成时怎样才算对现在有影响 什么叫现在完成时? THE KIND OF GAMES 后面用IS还是ARE~ 请问在现在完成时中,主要强调动作对现在造成的影响和结果,这里的影响和结果怎么理解? 现在完成时这几个句子对现在到底有什么影响she has done her homework 这里has done体现了现在完成时 但是说现在完成时体现两个 一个是以前发生的对现在又影响 一个是以前的动作延续到现在 英语翻译 graduates eran up to 75 percent morn than people with just a high school diploma是什么意思 翻译一个英语视频http://www.attitudeisaltitude.com/我要视频的所有英语内容 黄沙百战穿金甲的下半句是什么? 黄沙百战穿金甲后面一句是什么 黄沙百战穿金甲,------------- 黄沙百战穿金甲的意思是什么? Mr.Green_fast and some oganges in the bag该添什么有三种答案:1 run.run 2 run...to run3 running....running 4 run...running 高中物理---静电场中平衡问题--疑惑答案是b和d解释中说“根据平衡条件 T=mg”这个搞不懂? it's hard for a lazy boy to accept the high school diploma. 改错可是是 high school DIPLOMA 诶!!! Mr.green is very busy the w______ morning.he doen't have a rest. It's hard for a lazy student to accept the high school diploma.哪里有错? 英语翻译开头几句是:王恭从会稽还,王大看之.见其六尺簟(dian),因语恭:"卿东来,故应有此物,可以.请大家帮我愤然仪这篇古文以及这篇古文的题目是什么,(这是开头几句,我要全篇文章都翻译) 英语翻译帝置酒洛阳南宫,上曰:“列侯,诸将毋敢隐朕,皆其言情;我所以有天下者何?项氏之所以失天下者何?”高起,王陵对曰:“陛下使人攻城略地,因以与之,与天下同其利;项羽不然,有攻 alone怎么读 Cyndi made it without a high school diploma怎么翻译 After guaduation he asked to be sent to the place____A where he is most needed B where he need C where he is mostly needed D where is he mostly needed He is too young to be sent to school?The box is too heavy to carry/be carried.为何第一个句子必须用被动,第二个主被动都可以呢? 初中告别母校的作文 别了,那段情翻译成英语 But first I need to buy the new mobile phone I saw advertized this morning.谁能帮我分析一下这句的语 the real noise came反义疑问句 there was no food here 反义疑问句school ended.改为同义句