
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:46:34
李清照的简介 李清照介绍介绍要全的越快越好 李清照的家庭背景? 青春期教育为什么应鼓励男女生交往?男女生交往时应注意哪些问题? 英语翻译thank you for your interest in 80 PLUS(R).Per your comment below,we have not tested the 'A' version of Glacial Tech's product,only the 'AA'.We test at 115 VAC,I am not sure if China operates at 100VAC,but we test and certify according to My mother often goes to the c( )to listen to pop music英语填空题, i haven't got many eggs 里的got 起什么作用我这里有道题:将 I haven't any eggs. 换成 many 给的答案是 I haven't got many eggs .我想知道为什么要加got?这个got 在这里起什么作用 haven't got much/many是固定的吗换成DON‘T的形式可以吗 《忘不了那双眼睛》作文 忘不了那双眼睛作文400字 作文 忘不了 ,那双眼睛 the,stamp,collection,show,some,other,draw,news,from,to选词填空Come to()()()()with us this afternoonI like to read()from our school newspaper.I have an English class()8:00a.m()8:40a.m stamp collection show Show his stamp to them 改同义句 Parents are taught to understand important education is to their children's futureA.that B.how C.such D.so Parents are taught to underatand__important education is to their children`s futureA,that B.how C.such D.so我知道选B.这里是感叹句式的宾语从句用法.对形容词进行感叹,用how.但是选C或D理解起来也通啊,为什么不行呢 How close parents are to their children ___ a strong influence on the character of the children.A.haveB.havingC.hasD.to have怎么理解这句话? show me the meanin中文意思是什么啊 the show interests stamp amateurs,的中文意思是什么? 英语翻译有人说过:“旅行是心灵的一种解压方式.”我将为你介绍我的假期.这个假期我去的第一个地方是伶仃岛.你听说过文天祥写的《过零丁洋》吗?这个小岛正是位于伶仃洋上.我在那里 小弟初出茅庐(还有其他很多的玩法等等) show me the 我想要一个英语小故事,越短越好. 英语很简单的格言有那些例子?越简单越好 ——I would like to make an appointment for tomorrow. ——Tomorrow would be fine.Now let us_____it at three tomorrow.A.settle B.make C.put D.decide为什么选B,确定时间为什么不能用settle? If it ___ fine tomorrow ,we'll go swimming.A.will be B.shall be C.is D.would be If it ___ fine tomorrow ,we'll go swimmingA.will be 可是看B.shall beC.isD.would be这题选C,看补充if it ——tomorrow we will have a picnic.A.won't rainB.doesn't rainC.isn't rainingD.n't rain选B……,谁能告诉我究竟啥区别,崩溃… 像豆芽一样的小草符号,以前在YY上用过,现在找不到了,就是那种左右各一半小叶子,像一个小豆芽,不是像爪子那样的偏旁,不是这个,是另外的图案, 昨天晚上下了一天的雨.我怎么答呢?说仔细点,要说原因,和做题过程. 小草这篇作文标志性词语分别是_____ _ ,这个符号怎么大呀?快一点啊,谢了! 确定(-(+(-5)))的符号.