
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:12:33
Mrs Smith sees him and his ice cream. heaven is hell 歌词 Even there is What have we said _____ her so unhappy?A makes B to make C made D had made正确答案是: when before after引导时间状语的区别这三个词具体是如何运用的 什么是科学,什么是技术,它们的联系与区别 his怎么造句? Is/Are supposed to do 与Was/Were supposed to do 的区别是什么?具体用法? 若等差级数的n项和为n^2 +3n,求第7项 hard-working什么意思 四川的地震当中,分别有什么国家援助我们?分别在援助的方式等~ 我国四川省造就了哪些老一辈国家领导人 somebody was thought to do/ have done.句型中,何时用to do,何时have done vt和vi哪个是及物动词 ·翻译一首英语的诗------在线等Yesterday is gone.Tomorrow is yet to come.This is today. Days are going. I'm going as well. 请那位给翻译一下,要很美才好噢!语文不好的别来,我要很美的才好噢!否则不给采纳的哦! 3.已知m和2n的等差中项是4,2m和n的等差中项是5,则m和n 的等差中项是_______ 烟感报警器和红外报警器能串联吗 more,too more,very more的区别 drive away 与 drive out的区别 A :Would you like something to ( )?B:Yes,( )like a glass of milk.A:( )( )some bread?B:NO,( ) ( )some rice to me ,please.A:all right. 技术层面与科学层面的区别?说白了就是什么是技术问题,什么是科学问题,有什么区别? “More to follow”是什么意思?谁知道? good—looking可以用来形容物品吗 What To Follow Please dont say so?. good -looking只能用来形容人吗? delicious and good-looking,一个是名词,一个是形容词,可以用and连接表达吗?The well-prepared Chinese dishes are delicious and good-looking. It look good 怎样改正 黄历上的出行是什么意思 Wouid you like something (eat)? 1.What have we said ___ her so unhappy.A.makes B.to make C.made D.had make我想问的是,题目里为什么是疑问语序而不是陈述语序,这难道不是主语从句吗?2.If a book is in English,___ means slow progress for you.A.as B.which C.w 明天黄历怎么样?宜什么?忌什么?我买了新车,看明天提车出来合不合适.要不要在车上买个小壁虎?贴了有什么作用? 老黄历里的忌经络什么意思?如题