
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 23:18:22
英语单词的正式和非正式是怎么回事? 移动电子政务有什么特点? 谁知道英语单词Bazinga是什么意思? ~~~~春节联欢晚会英语怎么讲~~~~挺起来是spring festival goller.请问最后那个发goller的单词是什么 从事于电子政务软件的开发 .请crcsteve 来翻译.呵呵. 求x+y《5/6 的函数图象分布x+y小于5/6的图象分布 这个画图怎么画 怎么看在左边还是在右边 如何建设我国电子政务的法制体系? It was four o'clock in the afternoon ( ) he and his team reached the top of the mountain.答案是when 不是that 为什么是状语从句 不是强调句 如果把It was 和 that 去掉仍然句子成立 we have at four o'clock in the afternoonwe have __o___(6个字母) at four o'clock in the afternoono是第三个字母 英语:2009年春节联欢晚会 这一段具体写了颐和园的哪些景物 求教大家论文:电子政务的在电子政务网络中的特征 面向电子政务的地理信息系统有何特征 y=|x-2|-|x+5|的函数图象 The 18th,at about three o'clock in the afternoon.The 18th,at about three o'clock in the afternoon At three o'clock in the afternoon my school( ) How do you go to school from your home?求答句 The man became angry because what she said,这句语病怎么改? Linda done much he married the had man for because her 连词成句 化学计算题,真的很头痛,把6g的铁粉加入200ml的Fe2(so4)3和CuSO4混合溶液中,充分反应得到200ml 0.5mol/L的FeSO4溶液和5.2g固体沉淀物(1)反应后生成CU的质量(2)原Fe2(SO4)3溶液物质的量浓度希望写清过程, 西班牙语中的 唯一 是什么? he go to the airpart this evening 用所给词适当形式填空哦,airpart应该是airport Jack and john would like ---- to the cinema this evening.a to seeto gogosee DO your school begin from August是什么意思 -______ ______ciasses are there in your school?-There are twenty ciasses He uaually l what to buy before going to the supermarketSorry,那个He usually 后面是一个单词,开头字母是L what must we do before touching food.“must”有这样问的么? We must d______ ourselves well before going to work . Este es mi nuevo email 这是什么语言? kelly clarkson的《a moment like this》翻译 when is ____ _____ _____ (艺术节) at your school 甚么是非物质文化遗产