
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 20:32:53
考研真题,句子分析,求详解.Studies of both animals and humans have shown that sex hormones somehow affect the stress response,causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions.句 完形填空 the girl is ().she danes ()(beautiful) the student ()(use) a computer 一道宏观AP经济的题 ---He seldom goes to the library to review his lessons.---If so,____________.A.So do I \x05\x05B.Neither do I C.So will I \x05D.Neither will I 我要正确的答案, 邓亚萍在大学时主修英语和管理.翻译: Lily sedom goes to the library by car.(改为同义句)——Lily seldom ___ ____ ___ to the library. 在做图形题目时,我喜欢设未知数,并把各个角的度数用未知数表示出来,再找出几个角的和,列出方程(例如:...x+.x=180)这样就可以求出未知数了,但是往往未知数的和都相互抵消掉了.这是什 “关于”用英语怎么说 三角形ABC中,一直AB=4倍根号6/3,COS角ABC=根号6/6,边AC上中线BD=根号5,求sinA的值,答案是(根号70/14)要过程 唐崇徽公主手痕 从诗句间关系看诗的一二两句运用了什么手法 营造了什么氛围 "这是关于我的一些信息"用英语怎么说 "哈哈 你想知道关于我的那些方面"用英语怎么说 这句话里in a word processor is much better than a typewriteer in that it enablesa word processor is much better than a typewriteer in that it enables you to enter and edit your text more easily Simon(人名) likes dancing and bowling,so last Friday he goes to a club c____the Bowl and Rock. Simon and Daniel don't go to the dancing lessons with( )(they)grandparents Millie goes to a dancing lesson on Fridays.同义句 我很怕蛇.除了可译为I'm afraid at snakes.还可以如何翻译 用scared可以吗 on Christmas day fathers usually —————— as a clown为什么答案是dressesdresses up Be not afraid of growing slowly,be afraid only of standing still.这句谚语怎么译? "我害怕"可以翻译成I am afraid,而如果我想把前面的I去掉变成am afraid也是一样的意思吗?要不要在afraid后面+ed呢,抱歉我的英语实在是太差了=_= i am afraid of flying 翻译 listen.following me .telling me .should be 的歌名 Dressed up as father Christmas and accompanied by a "guard of honour" of six pretty girls这里的dressed是过去分词 dressed up as father christmas 如果我不省略主语 那这不就是被动语态吗?原句要怎么写呢?但是这句话又 Dressed up as Fatheer Christmas and accompanied by a 'guard of honour' of six pretty girls.这个句子开头是否省略了BEING 这个词? Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a 'guard of honor' of six pretty girls,heset off down the main street of the city riding a Baby elephant calledJumbo.这是原文.我想问的是句子的开头Dressed up as 前面是否是省略了BE 你难道不怕蛇吗? _ you_ _ snakes?每空一词 dressed up as A and accompanied by a guard of honour of six pretty girls he set off down the main street of the city riding a bady elephant called A这句话好乱 为什么要这么写呢改成这样不可以吗 dressed up as and riding a bady eleph do u mind following me... I am Every Tuseday and Friday he goes to dancing class.同意句he goes to dancing class—— —— ——Every Tuseday and Friday he goes to dancing class.同意句he goes to dancing class—— —— —— jane goes to shool on foot every day.对 on foot 提问.() () jane () to shool every day? adj to do sth是什么结构 注意啊不是it is adj to do sth!这是整体做状语 比如needless to say,…… 不定式成分,等具体用法~