
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 07:09:33
He is finishing 白居易的江楼夕望招客的夕望是指什么时候望啊?江楼夕望招客 海天东望夕茫茫,山势川形阔复长.灯火万家城四畔,星河一道水中央.风吹古木晴天雨,月照平沙夏夜霜.能就江楼消暑否,比君茅舍 He grew up without finishing high school. 读古诗,解决问题(我问开店李三公,众客来到此店中,一房七客多七客,一房九客一房空,请问几客几房中)我问开店李三公,众客来到此店中,一房七客多七客,一房九客一房空,请问几客几房中此 he stayded up finishing the.He stayed up finishing the job rather than___it for the next day.A.leaving B.to leave C.left D.leave finishing 船和船的竞争,人和鸭子的竞争,直到天晚方能完事.有何作用 G到底读“举(jü)”音,还是读“几(ji)”音?怎么广州这边都读“举(jü)”音呢?记得读书时一直都是“几(ji)”音啊.怎么回事啊?请给出根据. 英文:“G”读"ji"?还是"zhen"?一直没搞明白?那个英语高手给个满意答案!谢谢! 白色相簿2终章,cc,IC,一周目,怎么正确进入千晶TE? 模仿上面语段写一段简短的话,向同学们介绍一为另你感动的英雄人物王顺友——他朴实的像块石头,一个人一匹马,一段世界邮政史上的传奇,他过滩涉水,翻山越岭,用一个人的长征传邮万里,用 问一些英语问题 高手来说说问的有点杂 谢了! 1.would you like to go out with me? i'd love to,but it's too late and _____,it's going to rain. A.though B.besides C.however D.instead 2.his parents often encourage him _____hard. A.work B. 鸭子——(英文)在水中 小船——(英文)在水中 鱼——(英文)在水中 填in或on 我班同学要在我家住,给个充分的理由 好的话再加 相对论的英文名称 话别—写给同学的话 “相对论”和“相对的”英语怎么说? “相对论”英语怎么说? 相对论英语怎么说 飞向蓝天一直是我的梦想______ _______ ______the sky is my dream all the time.His bag looks like a big box(对划线部分提问)【a big box 划线】———— ——— his bag look likeThey agree with what I said(改为同义句)Th 在平面直角坐标系中,A,B为两个不在原点的坐标轴上的两个点,点A在X轴上,点B在Y轴上,在坐标轴上有一点C,使在平面直角坐标系中,A,B为两个不在原点的坐标轴上的两个点,点A在X轴上,点B在Y轴上, 空着的怎么填? 不知道第二个空应该怎么填Good afternoon,Linda!( Good afternoon,Mike!I am OK ,thanks!( ),linda?It's a note book.I found it in the library.Is it Dale's?( )His name is on it.( )It is 546-2341.Then I can call Dale at this nember.Thank you for 这些全都要怎么填啊七年级英语 每空填一词句意不变.1.She takes much interest in music and dance.She is ___ ____ music and dance.2.They will have a three-day .(改为同义句)They will have three ___ ____.3.This is David's book,please return it to him.(改为同义句) 好像可以填很多啊Do you a___ with your father? 1、Divide 36 by 4,the answer is 9 .36 _____ by 4 ______ 9.2、 _____ wonderful machines computers are!A What B What a C How D How a 面对危机我的态度英语作文四百字作文如经济危机sars.等 1.Kim studies in a middle school.(写出同义句,每空一词)Kim is_____ ____ ______ ______.2.Tommy wears sports shoes.(写出同义句,每空一词)Tommy ______ ______sports shoes.3.Tina is a French girl _____14.(用适当介词填空)4.根 初一英语配套练习册一题,深思后实在不会,答得好的话加悬赏分.根据句意和首字母提示写单词:The history museum has a geeat c_______. 1.Li Dong's father is a ( ).He is working in the field now.【单词是6个字母】 2.I am studying English.He is ( )studying English,【单词是4个字母】3.We have no claa at ( ).We can stay at home 【单词是8个字母】4.They are very ( )t (有的可以变被动语态)1.People use keys to lock doors.2.DO you grow rice in your hometown?3.What did he give his parents?4.My mother makes me a cake every Sunday.5.We'll know where we will come next time.6.He uses his large birds to fish eve