
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 15:57:58
将句子my computer is working.改写为否定句 1.The bOY is looking for his book改为一般疑问句并作否定回答2.Daniel and hiS friends are having some cold drinks改为否定句3.THE boys are swimming in the river now 改为否定句4.i am asking mr wu some questions改为一般疑问句 I'm working on the computer.And I need spare part.Can you get some for me?请翻译 I hope that I can be a writer in the future 什么意思 l hope that l can be a writer in the future 改为否定句 I hope —— ——a writer in the future ,中间应该填什么? 古文字的意思古文的字:之,时,去,暇,但现在的字(在古文的字):你,我有古文没翻 Her shotgun was broken over her arm.呵呵 I hope that peopie will not pollute our environment in the future.The car accident happened on the morning of May7,2014.保持原意 翻译I know that you are mine the moment our lips kiss together ,I can't be without you in future.翻译一下I know that you are mine the moment our lips kiss together ,I can't be without you in future. 地球上看星星共能看到多少 中翻英在线翻译你在我心里 near London的中文是什么? I hope that I can be a writer in the future.改为同义句I hope ______ _______ a writer in the future. 概率论与数理统计:第五、第六;谢谢 在同一个地方看星星,星星的位置会随时间变吗晚上从我在家里看夜空有颗明亮的星星,而且这2个星期一直都有那么以后也会一直都有吗?真希望一直都有啊~ 若关于x的方程x^2+4x+l a+1 l + l1-al=0 有实根,则实数a的取值范围为 . 计算la-πl+l根号2-al(根号2<a<π)(精确到0.1) 不直接看星星却看得到星星 直接看星星 却看不到 怎么回事 跪求全国2009年10月自考概率论与数理统计试题答案! came to the writer to find out what had happend to her 请问大家下手机内存卡为什么那么容易坏!急 晓得的人说下哈, 已知a.b为有理数,|a|>0,|lx-al-b|=3有三个不等解,求b的值 已知不等式lx-al<b的解集是(-3,9)求a,b的值 若1大于a大于3,求l1-al+l3-al的值 If you can't open the door,what animal can you ask to help you?Why? If you can not open the door,what animal can you ask to help you?Why?一道英语智力题 - i 've tried several times but the door just __open - why __you ask for my help?i don't care- i 've tried several times but the door just __open - why __you ask for my help?i don't careA shan't...need Bneedn't...might Ccan't ...should Dwon't ...must The dog can open the door ____(it)without its host's help 请问大家一下手机内存卡经常坏怎么回事 会的人说下嘛,十分谢谢各位了 穿花蛱蝶深深见,点水蜻蜓款款飞这两句诗为什么说分别描绘了这两种动物的觅食和繁殖行为? 光的传播 夜晚观察星星时为何一闪一闪的?越详细越好,会物理的来.这是初二的题.