
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 02:46:19
he could not tell me()his book 说下理由感激where he had putwhere had he putwhere he has putwhere has he put还有一道:who is the man()is giving the speechwhich that who whom 选择哪个? sweet的副词是什么 Those girls have beautiful _______.A.sounds B.noise C.voices D.voice请问: 写包拯大公无私判案的故事,(100~200)(100~200字)会加分 包公判案 下一句包公判案的下一句是什么 [-A29] Because they usually receive the same score on examinations ,there is often disagreementas to ______ is the better student ,Bob or Helen.A.who B.which C.whom D.whose翻译并分析 the professor has two sons,---- are teaching in the same university 填 neither of them 还是填什么 冬天有没有萤火虫? 《学会生存》写篇作文写一篇作文,快呀,400字左右就行了可以议论文方式,比如火灾,溺水,地震什么的,我们要怎么做? 英语记了10000的单词什么概念?六级英语?八级英语? 英语八级到底什么水平 是不是照母语级还差好大好大一节,根本还属于俩概念?反正我英语八级到底什么水平 是不是照母语级英语水平还差好大好大一节,根本还属于俩概念?反正我觉得是我是 Could you please out now A not going B not to go C not go D to not go can you tell Mark _______ out now?A.not go B.doesn't go C.not to go 英语过八级帮忙翻译下依漫琪 三个用英文拼写 举例 百丽 就是 Belle 各位帮忙找一下这篇文章《Clear Your Mental Space》各位帮我找一下这篇文章《Clear Your Mental Space》谢谢 给我翻译成中文May I enter your space see your way clear off?翻译下才 其中第一句是yh,whats the idea ?的英文歌曲是什么 We don't stop loving someone,we simply learn tolive without them中文 we learn to love someone throuhout our "mental disorder"是什么意思? mental disorder psychosis 有没有速成英语听力的方法呀 英语听力有什么速成方法吗? 英语听力如何速成? “精神病”翻译成英语是“mental illness”还是“mental disease”? 急求六级听力速成方法 又一次因为听力 The white t-shirt makes her mother look young.Look为什么不是looks 如何听力速成10天速成 what does she like to do on____________?she like ____TV 把 下列句子 改写成 直接引语 或间接引语1.“I’m very pleased to meet you again,said Wilson to his old friend,Mary.2.The visitor told us that he did not like the food we had offered him.3.“When shall we go for a picnic together aga 把下列句子改写成间接引语She hes found her pen. 2.They must remain here. 3.He remembers you.4.She doesn't speak English. 5.They're washing the dishes.