
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:03:11
his working什么的意思 词性 he has poor eyesight because of his working on the computer too much. my eyesight is poor,because l watch too much TV.l ____poor eyesight ____ ____ ____ too much TV.改同义句 写原因! He has poor eyesight_too much work at night单选,A because B becuse of C and D but 这个句子里what作什么成分?(2) Universitystudents should be required to take history courses no matter what field theystudy.这个what算什么用法 是引导什么从句 看起来不像从句啊 有个no matter! 关于what的疑问句It will (be rainy) the day after tomorrow.对括号部分提问____ _____ the weather ___ ____ the day after tomorrow? Eco-travel is a form of travel ___combines normal tourism with learning,___a way to find out what can be done to help animals ,plants and people .A what ,as well as B that ,as well C which,as well as D which,as well 为什么选C 手机老是弹出top apps of the day,download these great apps now.是怎么回事,很频繁的,手机杀毒也没用有时候弹出提示:Try another free game?第二行还有两个按钮no thanks / yes,sure This problem,if not solved quickly and properly,will result in disaster.是虚拟语气的真实条件吗,主将从现?if后为何不用+BE动词? as a result of his hard work,mr hall will _____a 40days' paid hoilday this year. I remember the red,I would like to revolution 的翻译 when you said you was leavin' you made me cry 如图在直角三角形ABC中角BAC=90度AB=8,AC=6DE是AB边得垂直平分线,垂足为D,交边BC于点E,连接AE,在直角三角形ACE的周长为 有1之20个数、任意5个数组成一组、不分顺序大小、不可以重复出现比如:《12345》和《54321》!一共能组成多少组呢? 某件产品每件成本10元、销售每件X元、与产品的售价Y之间的关系 dx9.0c是什么,有什么作用? imagine的用法后面接 to do 还是doing? 关于imagine的用法,Some people imagine flying_____more dangerous than travelling by train.Which is wrong.A.to be B.\ D.being注解说AB 是复合宾语,但我不理解D项不能看做是imagine sth /sb doing flying 就是sth ,being 就是doing imagine to be有这个用法么?I was surprised when I saw te farm,I had imagined it ______ much bigger.这里答案就是 to be .“没看到之前的想象就用to be "我记得是imagine doing /that 有imagine to do He has achieved great____(succeed)in life 高中光合作用知识点 The mayor has offered a reward of 5000yuan to (anyone)who can capture the tiger alive or dead.括号中为什么不能是others I would remember his words.为什么I 的后面是可以接 would为什么不用should 不是经常用在 I 后面的么 超不明白 imagine的用法,望帮解答这题 谢谢Some people imagine flying_____more dangerous than travelling by train. Which is wrong.A.to be B.\ D.being答案是D 注解说AB 是复合宾语,但我不理解D项不能看 假如你不是天才 一个月学会英语八级,那不是天才了?是不是真有这些人? 英语感叹句的语法 关于感叹句的语法!有英语学习网址的我会加分哦 求英语感叹句语法 为什么饺子熟了会漂起来? 饺子熟了会漂起来和比重有关饺子煮熟后会浮起来,其原因是因为煮熟的饺子比重变小还是变大?为什么? 为什么饺子熟了会漂上来 饺子熟的时候为什么会漂起来?