
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 16:31:10
英文翻译谢谢.周日我们人手不够,谁能过来加个班. 英语翻译When it heats up,one metal strip expands more than the other,forcing the bimetallic strip to bend.When a certain temperature is reached,the circuit breaks and the electric irion is turned off.When the bimetallic strip cools down,it straig 解关于x的不等式ax2+x-a>1(a∈r)恒成立 我现在上初二,看同学人手都有查英语翻译的手机啊什么的,希望大家能给我介绍一款好用的便宜的电子词典什么的,查查生词,学学什么名师教学的. 怎样才能上好小学高年级语文 我大学学的是运用物理,以前也教的是理科方面的,今年第一次教语文,感觉不适应。 there is a place full of sunshine,is called heaven f(x)=|x-1|+|x-2|大于等于a恒成立,求a的范围最后a取并集还取交集? look foward to 到底接什么是不是看句子意思来定呢? 求一份雅思口语介绍郑州和深圳的范文RT.附加一些关于个人爱好的.例如足球,旅游==谢谢 已知函数f(x)= |x-a |+4/x,(1)f(x)=2恰有两个实数根,求a的值 (2)任意的x都有f(x)≥1恒成立,求a的范高二数学题,很急,今晚就要,希望各位学长给个思路,不胜感激.只有40多分分,所以只能酬谢您30分 已知函数fx=ax2+ax-4 (a属于r) 若对任意a属于[1,2],fx≤0恒成立,求x取值范已知函数fx=ax2+ax-4 (a属于r)若对任意a属于[1,2],fx≤0恒成立,求x取值范围 若不等式mx^2+2(m+1)x+9m+4/x^2-6x+18>0,又任意x∈R恒成立,m的取值范围是, some nights the moon looks like a banana 雅思哪个地方的给的分高?(尤其是写作和口语),哪个城市的分数会给的高点,尤其是写作和口语, must的中文是什么 解放战争中开始时的敌我力量对比情况如何? therer must be.的汉语意思sorry 是there must be...... You must risk and you must lose的中文意思? 查关于解放战争的资料(300字) expect to等于什么? must other汉语意思是什么? There he listened to the tales that the women told as they worked at their weaving.句中的as,可否换成when或其它?可换及不可换的原因? 世界杯-南非当地时间和北京差几个小时?看球的时间大多是在晚上,大概差几个小时? 通过世界时区图怎样计算北京是下午1点巴黎是几点 请问一下英语什么时候用不定式!以后我会多给你加分我是初一的学生 像I'm yours 和everyday 一样轻快的英语歌 英语翻译Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using infinitive phrases following whether,when,where,what,how,who,or which.(用不定式短语翻译句子)Example:Many people do not know whether to shake hands or bow,when t 英语~请给出正确答案与解析~并请分析句型~16.Because of climate change,the ice that polar bears dependon for survival( )A.are slowlydisappearing B.have slowly disappearedC.slowlydisappearing D.is slowly disappearing17.No sooner ( 英语,并请分析句型1.They become friends again that day.Until then,they () to each other for nearly two years.A.didn't B.hadn't spokenC.haven't spoken D.haven't been speaking2.Do you like travelling?--Yes,I ( ) to America a year ago,but mountain top什么意思 mountain top就跟着一起来 我知道这是《high歌》歌词,【mountain top】加个【就】是什么意思?这句话完全不通啊