
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:43:54
would you like答语问题Would you like me to bring you a cup of coffee?的答语应为Yes,please还是Yes,I would like to?请讲的详细点,不懂得不要乱说哦呵呵,这是08年的一道中考题,应该只有一个答案,我记得书上有Wou would you like的答语 Would you like.有这样一道题:--Would you like to go out for a walk with us?--________供选答案有:A.of course B.I'd love to C.Yes,I do 是选A还是选B,为什么?请赐教.(答案是B)一般疑问句是要用yes和no来回答的啊B没有yes 关于would you like的答语分类有你想干什么吗?还有就是你想要什么东西吗?做肯定和否定回答,分两类说一下 bit词性是 初一上册同步导学语文第5课古代寓言二则答案 请大家帮我点评一下我的作文,我高一刚结束,我高一刚结束等级最低也可以回答,小学生别答,谁能帮帮我求回答,谁能帮帮我? ________ quickly or you'll miss the trainA.Got ready B.To get ready C.Get ready D.Getting ready you'd better go now ,----you'll miss the next traina,if b,or else c,or not d ,unless It's nine thirty now and you'd better go,__________ you'll miss the train.It’s nine thirty now and you'd better go,__________ you'll miss the train.A.or else B.unless C.as if D.now that请帮忙分析说明一下选这个答案的理由和原因, 翻译成中文? 8 hours working with 1 hour break,总共是几个小时呀?究竟是8个小时呢,还是9个小时呀?敬请指教!呵呵,守护者,不要跟我开玩笑喽可以朝9晚5,总共8小时,中间1小时休息呀,所以实际工作7小时也可 1.5小时用英语可表达为1.5 hours吗 the boy's ___made his parents very saddie quick shelf her close very lots of people 这样使用 做主语 可以吗 语法有错误吗 Lin Tao,why are you so< Because Wang Mei got three gold medals at the Winter Olympics.A.excited B.angry C.disappointed "what other do you like?"有这种说法吗?还是应该是"what else do you like?" other 后要跟名词,不跟就错哇? So you really think that transferring your stuff bit by bit like this is the way to go,huh?Easier than renting something,doing it all at once?翻译 英语翻译还有几个... 英语翻译敲门的人一定不是我姐姐,她去北京了.这个女孩很有可能是你妹妹,她长得跟你很象.我坚信,她不可能做这样一件坏事.地上可能有一个钱包,天太黑,我看不清楚. —— 庄子曰:“水之积也不厚,则其负大舟也无力;风之积也不厚,则其负大翼也无力.” 的意思 What is zoo-wee mama? 一根7米杆竖在地上,顶部有一只蜗牛.蜗牛一个白天沿着木杆爬下3米,一个夜间又爬上2米.到第几个白天它才能到达地面? 请翻译 Secrets and Exercises to a Flat Stomach I have computer science lessons during the weeI have computer science lessons during the week.I'm happy working there.的意思和怎么读 关于民族英雄的英语简介不要太多,只要介绍出生时间,地点,因什么而出名,速求,今天晚上就要 run quicklly,-----we will miss the early train.A and B but Cso D or帮忙选下 取个好听,顺口,和中文名差不多又特别的英文名中文名叫嘉琪.. 我想取个有个性的英文名 年龄:20 中文名:赵雄 性别:男新手没多少分. If we walk fast,we____the bus.A.catch B.will catch C.catching D.is catching 附带原因 A hunter is a man who ( ) animals. A.catch B.catchs C.will catch D.was catching 假设你是一名导游,现在向你的游客们用英语介绍一下桂林.