
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:20:16
求高手翻译The federal government has taken over large swaths of consumer lending, most notably the $The federal government has taken over large swaths of consumer lending, most notably the $10 trillion home mortgage and $1 trillion student lendi He always keeps his eyes open wide when he h____for Kate. 根据意思写出带有言的成语:以口转,以行动起模范作用.()指话说得过份,不符合实际。()形容语言简练,意思完备而透彻。()说的和做的一样,形容人表里如一。{} 西班牙语:Me da lo mismo con espina o sin ella.这句话中 lo 是什么用法, 白白浪费言辞,不起任何作用的成语意思 西班牙语 enfermedad 最后一个音念za还是da dark there were dark areas under his eyes His dark endless eyes I knew so well,were still there with the barely visible hint of red.They were a mixture of plead,and compassion. His eyes were pointed up at the sun这个句子怎么翻译啊? “We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough.”翻译 Bob and Mary are Tom’s p( ),he is their son.括号里填什么 SOMEWHERE ONLY WE KNOW怎么样 北京天坛 简介 (英文)不用很多,只要70-80个单词就够了,不要出现语法错误,不要长篇大论 杂交水稻给我们带来了什么好处 杂交水稻给我们带来什么 杂交水稻的好处急 杂交水稻给人类带来什么好处? 我想邀请你去天坛 英文翻译同上 I want _____ _______ ______ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____.十个空、、 怎样解释far from eye,far from heart?我知道far from eye,far from heart是眼不见为净的意思.但我是想问,far from eye,far from heart直译为远离眼,远离心.“远离眼,远离心”和“眼不见为净”怎样解释在一起啊~ 英语翻译I just can tell you live every second like it was you last one 翻译 求天坛、地坛的英文简介要简单易懂、控制在70个单词以内. 英语翻译“这是中国古代皇帝祁福的地方”这句话的准确翻译. 环天坛 用英文怎么翻译啊,就是环绕天坛的意思哪个是对的亚 怎么提高商务英语口语水平?谢指教~ It was covered with coins.There were coins( )it.A.in B.over C.under D.all over 选D.D不是“覆盖满了”,但文中没说覆盖满啊? A year went by,and it was hard to live without her mate翻译成汉语 英语翻译天坛公园 i`m sorry to have disturbed you 改成 i`m sorry to disturb you行吗? 为啥要在sorry后加have呢……如题 请详细解释 琼花 简介? 谁知道琼花的英文 I have never been so lucky in my life 谁能帮我把在你付出之前,要看值不值得翻译成英文? You have saved my life;I shall never forget