
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:28:05
Photo by ?现在很多照片都被作者加入了Photo by XXX,表明原创且不可转帖,有没有高人可以告诉我如何做呢?素材都在哪里找呢?最好能帮我做一个!太感谢了啊! authorized by xxx 应该翻译成:授权给xxx,还是xxx授权的我签订了一个DAS国际体系认证,下面有一个签字就是 Authorized by :--- Senior Executive 不知道是应该怎么签,是 老友记中 钱德勒 说 could I be more sorry 这句话怎么翻译 更为准确 风吹云动星不动,水流船行岸不移这句诗出处 风吹云动星不动,水涨船高岸不移什么意思 来啊对对子:风吹云动星不动.下句是什么?风吹云动星不动.下句是什么? 砼内部温度是多少C30,P10,水化热的时候砼的内部温度是多少要是有专门的查询器就跟好了 任一瞬间,地球各地所处的昼夜状态可以用什么表示 谁有麦芽糊精的国标? 麦芽糊精溶于水的问题..我知道麦芽糊精能溶于水.只是到底应该以多少的比例溶解合适?比如说要做1KG麦芽糊精液体需要多少水配比..还有应该用热水溶解还是持续加热溶解?我每次用热水溶解 描写大海文章有很多,你知道哪些? “大海沸腾”说明了什么 海洋中海星的简介是什么? 海洋——21世纪的希望全文简介 变频功率分析仪如何进行FFT频谱分析? Since he can't answer the question,Let's ask someone 有一个重2牛的金属筒,口朝上放入水中,有2/3体积浸入水中(问题在补充说明里继续)如果在筒内装如100立方厘米的某种液体后,再放入水中,金属筒有1/15的体积露出水面.求 (1)金属筒的体积 (2)该 草缸一般是什么过滤啊 德语dass Sie da Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me?怎么翻译? Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me?的意思? 房地产市场泡沫爆炸将会产生什么后果,会带来什么样的影响? 房地产市场的构成主体及主体之间的相互关系?请高度概括,深入浅出,简明易懂,只须在理论层面介绍下就可以了 营养快线瓶子口直径有多大 草缸用什么过滤 英语翻译No analogy should be pushed too far.I have emphasized that mere production of itself is not sufficient.In every lesson it must be regarded as preliminary to actually trying out what is being learned so that from the earliest stages all le 英语翻译 求!谁能帮我翻译下这篇文章的大意?The Bierborse is an open-air event devoted to the art of brewing throughout the world. It is composed of two thirds beer-serving businesses and one third accompanying snack specialities. The range is sup 英语翻译Andrew Busch,global currency and public policy strategist at BMO Capital Markets in Chicago,pointed out that December may have been a turning point for the dollar.The dollar gained ground against other currencies during the month even as Sie sind mein Jahrestag 七彩神仙养草缸用什么过滤系统好过滤桶好吗 Sie sind sehr billig