
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/13 07:49:02
语文题一般怎么答 荆轲刺秦王时 秦舞阳在做什么?就是荆轲没刺中 追着秦王跑的时候 怎么不见描述秦舞阳来帮忙的?他在干什么?上朝的大臣并无武器,难道把他杀了?一点都没提到他嘛..有点莫名其妙 甲、乙两人分别从A、B两地同时出发相向而行,4小时后相遇在C地.如果甲速度不变,乙每小时多行6千米,且甲甲、乙两人分别从A、B两地同时出发相向而行,4小时后相遇在C地。如果甲速度不变, 初二数学求解(两道题帮忙解答一下~谢谢!) 语文题! 语文问题, At the English c he sees his old friend. OLD FRIENDS BAR怎么样 A、B两地相距12千米,甲、乙两人驾车同时从A、B两地相向而行.甲每小时比乙多行4千米,经过两小时后两人相 INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(A7,D5:D10"))这个公式哪里有错?原本的公式是这样INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(A7,D5:"))我想把它变成这样INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(A7,D5:D10")) “=INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(A2,"!D4"))”引用了这个公式.拉动右下角自动生成.数据和复制一样! =INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("Sheet2!","R",(ROW()-3)/24+2,"C",2),FALSE) 上面各个符号代表是什么意思呢? 关于英语脑筋急转弯的一些问题(高手进)1.if you throw a stone into the red sea,what will be happen?2.which letter is a animal?3.which bridge is the smallest?4.what dog desn't run and jump?各位不用说这四个句子有问题,因 甲有书600本,从甲取出它的1/3,从乙取出75%,甲比乙的2倍多150本,乙远有书几本?为什么? 六人行英文俱乐部教学怎么样想以英语文盲阶段到一般的口语对话.有没有朋友在六人行俱乐部上过的,想知道那里的教学怎么样.是不是真的能达到效果呢.还有那里是怎样收费的. 英语脑筋急转弯? 请帮我看看这两个句子的区别.my father used to smoke ,but he gave it up a couple of years father used to smoke ,but he gave it up a couple of years ago.i didn't think i could ever get used to living in a big city after living in the 1 What has hands but no feet.A face but no eyes ,tell but no talk?2 What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?3 What does everybody do at the same time?4 How long should you legs be?5 What has four legs and a back but can`t walk?为 一个英语脑筋急转弯!Who earns a living by driving his customers away?谁通过驾驶他的顾客赢得生活?还有几个问题:What stars with E,ends with E and only has one letter?也是脑筋急转弯!Where do you find giant snails?也 帮我想想几个英语脑筋急转弯快急!1.what is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?2.what never asks questions but always gets answers?3.where does afternoon always come before morning?4.three men are under one umbrella,but non I used to smoke three 1____of cigarettes when I was at university1 PACKETS 2 POCKETS 3 PARCELS 4 PIECES 5 PACKAGES His brothers are eating dinner in the dining room(改成一般现在时) CONCATENATE是什么函数 my dining room的作文 利用数组公式,将一行数据中,满足条件的单元格值连在一起(希望用到concatenate函数)数据为:甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 OK OK TBD 1 OK OK OK OK 2 OK OK OK OK 2 OK OK OK OK OK 2 OK OK 希望将第二行 你很会提问,把我难倒了!我也不知我的英语水平到什么程度了.另外,应该是He's a good friend of mine.供参考. 1.Take the dictionary ___ my 's a list ____names.3.the girl ___red is my daughter.用适当的介词填空有理由吗 孙权劝学 对文章问题分析不正确的是、?A本文虽极简略但剪裁精当,通过鲁肃与吕蒙的对话生动直观地反映出吕蒙的进步之大,足显作者的文笔功架之深厚B本文注重以对话表示人物,对话言简意 My friend Mary has been living with cancer for years.为什么用了 living ,既不是进行时,也不是被动 关于have,通常第三人称用has,但类似这句:He used to have black hair,不是用has而是have?同样是第三人 广袤无垠、望而生畏、嶙峋、弥漫、铁铸、不可思议、铺天盖地、名贯古今、风情万种的意思 艰苦卓绝