
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/10 08:25:32
中翻英:那可真是太好了,我正有此意呢.我非常向往荷兰呢,和您一起游玩是我的荣幸. It's nice to have soft drinks------lunch in summer.a.during b.at c.after d.before 中翻英:"不好意思,我怕我的英语会造成表达上的误会,所以以下的内容我用中文来表达,望海涵" not a ok是什么意思 i'm not where are the ______ in your shop I want to buy one .a dress b dresses c a dress c some dress There are about one children in the music club中间是以h开头的单词 已知圆O和圆K是球O的大圆和小圆,其公共弦长等于圆O的半径 用一般过去式完成句子.How Columbus discovered AmericaColumbus believed(believe)thet the earth was(be)round.He___(want)to sail west from Europe to India.Columbus fist____(ask)for money and ships for his jouruney from the king of Portugal.The Is there a love that won't die why does coil wire can have a larger magnetic field?不要翻译! 现代包身工现象思考 always,using,means,类似这些单词中的【z】为什么金山词霸都发音为【s】? There are ___new discoveries and knowledge ahead in every field.填always,为何 also不行 always mix well before using什么意思? 英国人和美国人书写日期有什么方式 具体说说 美国人常说的damet是什么意思?好象是口头的语(不知道写法是否正确) 美国人的尺寸写法如何看懂,多谢:请告知一下是2个还是三个尺寸.I am interested in clear plastic boxes for storage of a2 size envelope with card. The size I need in inches is: Length 5 7/8/" Width: 4 3/8" Depth 1" I do not know 十二生肖哪一种动物粗心大意 怎样背单词才更快更容易记住 包身工是文章还是小说?有没有人看过《包身工》,就是夏衍写的那部.请问《包身工》是一篇文章还是一本书?我去了很多家书店也没买到这本书? 根据课文《包身工》,做一副对联. 怎么称呼外国人?在商务信函里比如一个西亚人的名字AHMED AL MOKBILY,我给他写信,开头怎么称呼啊?是Dear MOKBILY还是设么其他的? remark remind glimpse continue difference lie seem sack risk edge He sat down on the ( )of his bedMany people ( )loudly on her absence .I am not sure what ( )behind their remarks,but it was not good will.I caught a ( )of her face as she ran past .The He told me his story and his sister是that of还是the one of I`m very 什么 by his story单词是i打头的 求AE景深插件 FL Depth of field ,1943841541@q 用迟疑和虚伪造句 兔起鹘落,两个成语怎么造句? 如果用浓度百分之九十的酒精溶液与百分之六十的酒精溶液配制浓度为百分之八十的酒精溶液,那么看它们的差,六十到八十相距二十,九十到八十相距十,差距之比的倒数二比一就是需要百分之 求一道判断题的正确解法苏教版2009-2010学年度第一学期小学六年级数学科第四阶段辅导训练(内容:第七至九单元)【三明大田】第二大题:仔细推敲,认真判断.第5小题;六(1)班、六(2 波特墓园Potter's Field这个词语在英语国家中是不是有特别含义?就是约定俗成的俚语,或者大家都知道典故.我看到一些外国小说里都提到.