
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:36:11
风电场怎么放假 北京现在有几个风电场? I get you 翻译:i've got your back like you've got mine I will you i get back Tell me how how to choose?how to go how to do how to forget everything 求09全国卷2作文立意! ()the teacher ,the girls went into the teacher's officeA.To be followed B.Following C.To follow D.Follow 2011全国卷1语文作文《不想长大》怎样立意 正在振动的物体一定在发声应该是对的,即使在真空,只是没有传播的介质,所以听不到,应该也是在发声吧 声音是一种能量,在真空中由于振动,产生了声音.可由于真空中无介质,所以没有传播出去,但这能量去了哪能量守恒定律 1.my mother (最早起床)in my family every day .2.the number of the cars in our city (正变得越来越多).3.many animals are (面临危险) .请问这样填对不对:facing dangerously.4. Elephants can help farmers ()people ()them. A but , prote The bus usually takes him to work at 17:00. the bus usually takes him to work at 19:15 What's your address?Bridge street 205.这句话哪错了? Excuse me,may i know your ()?Sure,it's NO.3 ,birdge street.Ahouse Baddress C way Dafter我要解说.The evening party was really fun.We had () great timeAa Ban Cthe D不填 Institute of Forensic Science Department of Public Security of Jilin Province 的缩写 He can ( )a book there.A:finds B:find C:found 应选哪一个? 宾语从句为什么有时用疑问语序?Do you know_____?I'm not sure.Maybe an artist.what is the man with long hair.我觉得答案应该是:what the man with long hair is.这是对职业进行提问啊.宾语补足语用什么语序? Becausa Of You Grow old along with me,the best is yet to be 怎么回答最好是英文的 grow old along with me,the best is yet to be, all about your heart歌词翻译一开始的第二句根本不是 It’s the very thing I love, I live you till doomsday! 什么意思 Lucy is _the window.Now the window is _.A,open,open B,opening opened选择?为什么? the/is/muisc/thing/the/about/love/film/i/that/the排列通顺语句 Here is my (a ).You can easily find my house with it. 复数,设复数Z=(1/a+5)+(a^2+2a-15)i 为实数,则实数a的值是?A、3 B、-5 C、3或-5 D、-3或5为什么这题不是选C,而选A 复数 I feel very happy if I help other people.I don't expect that the person I have helped will help me翻译. Do you like K-POP?I like boy group;;haha I like Beast,TVXQ,MBLAQ,Boyfriend,Infinite and all so...Do you.. 数学复数讲解