
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 08:55:43
n t m a o u n i组成正确的英语单词及翻译 麦蒂英文怎么写? 求一款电脑英汉字典,一打开左边显示A到Z的单词,不用特别去查某个单词,直接一个个往下浏览的软件之前用过,界面有点像金山词霸,不确定是不是.现在的电脑词典必须要输如入才能查词,不能 怎么查英汉字典?按字母顺序来还是查不到我想要的单词? 英语翻译我们老师选我迎接澳大利亚大哥哥大姐姐,我知道说什么,就是不知道用英语怎么说,是:哥哥(姐姐)好,见到你很高兴.他(她)说:……我:我叫童玉瑶,来自四(2)班,你叫什么名 英语翻译求此段音频最后一分钟的翻译, 英语翻译一串48位数的序列号(电话语音我录下来了,有字母有数字)很简单 急用!有哪些英语单词是按顺序含有p m y的?最好是P开头的!答到有份! 英语翻译 急,谁能帮我翻译一段英语录音可以加分 急.. 填空 1.the first thing __(do) is to write a letter to apply for the job2. thanks for ___(invite) me to the pafty.3. not everyone is happy to see children ____(become) consumers.4.some educators believe children who ___(watch) many TV advertis write a letter of application to the tourism officeIn the letter 1.give the reasons for wanting the job2.explain why you think you can do the job3.describe any relevant experience you have at least 150 words.thanks very much Before(write)_________an application letter,you should be aware what kind of people the employer needs.填什么,为什么 I took more then an hour to write this letter.Chinese really gave me hard time. It took Lind an hour to write to his friend ,同义句转换 Lind _____ an hour _____ to his friend , 我知道是骂人的,但具体含义是什么?怎么来的? 北京话"端了你丫挺的"啥意思 application letter是什麼意思? application和motivation letter区别啥区别啥区别-- 求一篇四级水平的a letter of application, letter of application for study abroad我要找这类英语文章,帮帮啊 英语短语翻译:letter of application Tom and his parents live on a farm.his parents are farmers. 连词成句 his,New York City,Tom went,to,parents. It takes me half an hour to get to school by bike.(对划线部分提问)_______ ________ ________ it ________ you to get to school by bike?划线部分:half an hour ----- ------ sandy about half an hour to get to school by bike “It takes me about half an hour to go to school”这句话中主语部分,谓语部分和宾语部分是如何化分的, 丫滴 什么意思 It takes him half an hour____(get)to school by bike ,请回答为什么,并翻译整个句子 究竟爱和喜欢滴真实含义是什么丫? My parents and I are live in big house now.找出句中错误 my parents and l are live in a big house now.和 l can‘t play football,but l can play guitar 有问