
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 00:49:50
The room is two _as big as that one . 求一篇2010年寒假见闻.800-1000字.哎.上大学以来第一个寒假啊,过的实在平淡的很.实在想不出有什么有意义的见闻可以写.或者指点下可以深入挖掘的方向.我想不出往哪方面写啊. To tell you the truth,at that time I was very shocked that your child ____ have said such unkind words to his teacher.答案是should,我选的是could.为什么呢? marry,i should tell you ,it is the third time that you __your homeworka forgot to do b forgot doingc have forgotten to dod had forgotten doing If you shoot your mouth off like that one more time,I won't tell you anything in the future. 非谓语动词中的主动、被动问题1.There are five pairs to _____,but I'm at a loss which to buy .答案是“to choose from”,但我从逻辑主语等角度去看,怎么着都觉得应该是“to be chosen”.2.The tea is too hot to ____. 定语从句中,当先行词是一个句子的时候,关系代词应该用什么? 英语中any和any other的用法?My sister Mary swims faster than _______ student in her class.A.anyB.any ofC.any oneD.any other 答案是D请问为什么? 定语从句中介词后可跟的关系代词有什么 请教英语大师 any的用法, 谢谢!any后的可数名词 什么时候加S, 什么时候不加S , 谢谢!怎么记忆啊? paris法语怎么读写国际音标什么的好么 while traveling in France,he _______some everyday French.A.gave up B.picked up C.drew up D.got up选哪一个 德语名词的二、三、四格词尾怎样变化除弱变化阳性名词外,其他德语名词的二三四格怎样变化? 德语中性名词二格词尾 ,为什么有时候加s 有时候加es 到底怎么回事啊! 设矩形ABCD(AB>BC)的周长为24,把它沿对角线AC对折,折过去后,AB交DC于点P.设AB=x,求三角形ADP的最大面积以及相应的x的值? 德语阳性、中性名词单数的第二格的词尾加什么的问题.弱变化 混合变化 强变化分别加什么?到底是-es还是-seines Vaters 和 des Stellenmarketes都是多音节词,为何词尾不一样? 帮我查一下这个字的读音一个“弓”,右边一个“京”这个字念什么 “查”这个字的发音“查”这个字用姓的话,发音应该年什么?是年Zha吗? 英语翻译有没有人加入我们团,这是地址http://zhidao.baidu.com/team/view/%E9%93%AD%E4%BB%81%E5%9B%AD%E4%B8%AD%E5%AD%A6%E5%9B%A2 traveling around Paris last year really?me?French culture答案A have interested ;in B interested;in标准答案是B为什么不能用A呢 答案解释说是主语是traveling为单数名词所以不能用A,为什么呀 Is your brother good at basketball 同义句 stop workd的汉语意思work的词性 he had __some french in paris bedore he went to britainsettled downset outset uppicked up please tell your brother not to play his CDs ------------(with much noise,easily heard)空格填空 英语 Bill ___(not know)your brother complete the world map------ these words please tell me the answer-----the questioncomplete the world map------ these words please tell me the answer-----the question 表示被动的非谓语动词是用done,还是用been done 动词do的一般的被动语态是 be done ,其中的be也是个动词,也有过去分词been,那么改为非谓语动词的时候,有没有情况是把be改为过去分词been,也就是用 “stop”后接什么形式大姐帮帮忙把 People should try to stop the()(污染)词性是什么 请问all of us 与each of us 的区别.RT get on the bus on的词性 We met each other three years ago的同义句------------three years__________ we __________each other last time.