
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:48:48
No pains,no gains. 用婷和进组成成语 意恐迟迟归中的“归”读什么 excited是动词过去式吗? excited是不是过去式?不是的话怎样才是过去式,还有interesting那么用在过去式怎么用?比如,我看了一个关于鲨鱼的电影,非常地激动人心和有趣!【过去式,翻译】 I think do chores is interesting 改错 课桌上画什么好呢.看到比别人的课桌上都画有怪兽啊那些东西太可爱了,那还画什么好呢? 带头的鸟在迷失方向时会带领鸟群不断旋转寻找正确的方向? 我大三了,现在还有半年就要出去找工作了,可是我现在什么都还不会,就像一只迷失方向的小鸟.我该怎么办?我是学软件工程网络应用方面的,就是对那一点兴趣都没有,也学不进去,.如果说从 句子中的形容词在什么时候是副词形式呢? incoming call style 2395 2395 ALA ALA怎么样 ……and I told him that the petrol pump(加油泵) had shown $15.He offered to pay “call-out fee”,but I wouldn’t accept it.此处call-out Why,here's my pen!I____it just now,but Ididn't____it.A.looked for,found B.found,look for C.looked for,find D.found,looked for 请指出下列句子中是主谓结构还是主谓宾结构The sun is rising. 鸟类为什么要迁徒 角字和尼字合起来是什么字?怎么读?如题 鸟类为什么要迁徒的结果 写迁徒鸟的文章 We watch TV in the evening,问句子的成分,那个是主语,谓语,宾语,其次在问下什么是表语 I didn't go downstairs until the window had to be shut”变强调句 英语翻译说清楚哪个是倒装、哪儿是强调 People are still ghosts是什么意思 Baby I'll love you forever,marry me.别人跟你说这句话的时候,怎么回答? True love lasts forever是什么意思 the snake has a long and thin b————根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 Before I left the room,I ——(turn)the light.要用过去完成时吗有一个老师说两者没有关系所以不用,我想看看大家怎么说 LE GRAND JOURNAL DE CANAL怎么样 the Canal zone 是巴拿马运河? 应该是stay for dinner还是stay to dinner?原句:Robert suddenly said that I must stay to dinner.虽然觉得是stay for,但是教材上写的是stay to . The disaster was the worst incident of its kind and the second time 翻译its我不懂这个句型 10.I can swim,but I _____ swim well.A.can B.am C.can’t D.doesn’t