
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 16:31:01
写纸上,再拍照, 第1,2题,不方便打字可以,写到纸上,拍照发过来 第1题,为了好表示分数,最好写在纸上拍照发过来, 二次函数顶点式是什么? 一个四位数,最高位是6,十位上是5,其余数位上的数是0,这个数写作( )读作( )一个四位数,最高位是6,十位上是5,其余数位上的数是0,这个数写作( )读作( ) 设集合A={1,a,b},B={a,a²,ab},且A=B,求实数a,b 请问雅思阅读 我答对了30个能得几分?请给权威的回答 为什么说甲午中日战争是中国近代史上的重要分水岭 日本两次发动侵华战争,一次是甲午中日战争,一次是1937年抗击日本全面侵华战争,中国得到的不同的结局 已知集合M={0,1,2}定义集合N={x|x∈M}则这样的集合N的个数是?我知道答案是1,说根据确定性符合条件的就都是N的元素,所以N={0,1,2},但是不完全填完这三个数有什么不对,比如N={0,1}这样的为什 请问vb中那个dim是哪个英文单词的缩写? 已知集合M={0,1,2}定义集合N={x|x∈M}则这样的集合N的个数答案是1个为什莫 VB IF 简写if V[0]==1 OR V[1]==1 OR V[2]==1 OR V[3]==1 OR V[4]==1 OR V[5]==1 OR V[6]==1 then VB 这个代码怎么样简写If i y(0) And i y(0) + 1 And i y(0) - 1 And j y(1) And j y(1) + 1 And j y(1) - 1 And k y(2) And k y(2) + 1 And k y(2) - 1 And _Abs(i - j) > 1 And Abs(i - k) > 1 And Abs(j - k) > 1 Then后面abs就不用了,前面的有 最好写纸上, 标清题号,最好写纸上谢谢! 最好写到纸上, 数学题,求解答,回答给力有分,标清题号,写纸上,要过程,谢谢! 写纸上标清题号谢谢,给力了送分! 估算(一共六道题)402+7590≈ 5789-298≈ 69×41≈ 81.35÷9≈3.51+6.52+9.01+0.95≈ An old man was lost in the forest.(改为同义句) 一定一定要速度啊. the old man lost his way when he was going back home yesterday afternoon句型转换the old man _____ _____ on ____ ____ ____yesterday afternoon The young man was fired._____he lost his jobA.In shortB.In the long runC.In other wordsD.In time 英语翻译原谅我这个英盲吧, 已知甲的绝对值是乙数的绝对值的5倍,且在数轴上表示甲、乙两数的点之间的距离是12,求甲、乙两数 An old man died and left his son a lot of money.But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly谁知道这片阅读短文的答案 the young man ran out of the station as quickly as his legs could carry him为什么legs不能用foot The two young men ran away and ___ of them was hurt by the bearA.bothB.oneC.noneD.neither选哪个,为什么呢? The man ran away quickly为什么用away A dog ran in front of my mother's car and she___stop very quickly.A ought toB had betterC used toD might 写纸上 写纸上,