
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 02:04:28
喜欢听英语歌和粤语男生性格 急阿,快睡觉了,不理解这问题睡不着阿!选择题 在火车站 有甲乙2列火车反向并列停在轨道上,某时刻,甲列车上的乘客发现乙列车向后运动,由此可以判断 A 甲火车 正在向前开出 B 乙火车正在向 一对水平放置的平行金属板,板间存在着竖直向下的均强电场.一个不计重力的带电粒子从两板左侧正中位置以初速度V沿平行于金属板的方向进入场区,带点粒子进入场区将向上偏转,并恰好从A Tom got up early in the morning because he would have a try at basketball today.he would have a try at basketball today.这句话怎么翻译好? 英语作业,求帮忙 今天24点之前 My alarm clock______at six o'clock every morning根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式put off, give out , clean up ,set up, take after ,put up ,by mistake , One morning,Harry got up very 1 because his clock stopped.He tried to shave (刮脸)One morning,Harry got up very 1 because his clock stopped.He tried to shave (刮脸) 2 and cut himself.When he got dressed,he got blood(血)all over his 3 ,so It's _________ (polite)to ask a lady about her age in western countries. what good is it to ask her about that?She doesn't know it erther. How do you ask about a person's someone? 请问win a little prize for the worst garden中的for是“给”的意思吗?给”最差花园“的奖?谢谢. At Spring Festival there is lots of food____.A.eatingB.eatC.to eat 英语大虾COME IN HEREHis father has been_____(die)for three years答案是dead这里为什么用has been ( )明天天气怎么样,我们( )去郊游.要求使用恰当的关联词, 英语一是不是花卷?有木有抄的可能性,英语实在太烂! We can call b___ bike for short. “这个电话仍然是可用的”如何用英文表达? chen jie and mike is studente改为否定句 who has the best garden in town town前面能加the吗? 红薯的有益成分?拜托各位大神 选词填空 What ( ) Mike going to do this evening?A,does B,do C,is just wanna know how to improve my English working in a foreign-owned company... I want to ask him how can I improve my English.还是I want to ask him how I can improve my English.为什么? would you liike another cup of coffee?A No ,thanks B Never mind.谁能告诉我为啥不是a would you like a cup of coffee?-------- A.no,l do not B.l think to C.no,thanks 我的自行车比你的新得多(根据汉语意思完成句子) My bike is_ _ _(三个空) 帮我想以个好听的珠宝品牌名字,带点国际范的,要浪漫 高贵一点的.最好带英文翻译的 还要有含义的. 大学英语…帮忙讲解…it was not such a good dinner__she had promised us.为什么不用that而用 which? 中文小西点的英文名是什么 改为同义句:You are not as tall as your best friend. 2012年专八是花卷么? 专八是花卷吗 Ben is not as popular as his best friend.改为同义句