
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 05:30:44
两者之间比较 什么时候比较级前面要加the 什么时候不要 请问怎么样才能把英语三级的准备工作做好,考好试呢? 如果要考公共英语四级,怎么复习? 考英语四级前怎样复习啊? 他看得越来越不清楚了.怎么英语翻译? 形容词最高级在什么情况下不加the?有时候我见动词后就不加.形容词,副词最高级 I (think) of her when I (read) your letter last night.来源于英语 快乐暑假P44二/1希望能多一点答案!让我抄抄啊!o(∩_∩)o... -When___you___reading the book?-Last night.I began to read it two weeks ago.1.-When___you___reading the book?-Last night.I began to read it two weeks ago.A.did,finish B.will,finish,finish D.were,finish2.-Does Lucy like the book A Tiger in the We 英语小诗,英语幽默,英语谚语······英文怎么说,最好在两天里告诉我 大苯钟的英文怎么拼? 美国的英语和英国的英语有什么不一样啊?都有哪些机构是专门的美外教的啊? Did he read English last night?改为被动语态Did he read English last night?改为被动语态 课前五分钟的哲理故事要启发感受较多,要具体的 哲理故事求一个演讲长4、5分钟的人生哲理故事. He _______(read) the novel twice last year .He has _________ been to Shanghai ,has he?A already B.never C.ever D.still-_______you ________ your homework?-Yes I_________it a moment ago .A Did;do; finishedB Have;done;have finishedc Have done finished D he_______ (read) the novel twice Peter__the book twice since last year A.has read B.had read 选A还是B, my father has read the novel twice请问这句话在现在完成时范畴内表示的什么?是表结果,还是持续的动作? I______(read) the novel twice.It's interesting.(用适当的动词填空) 给我5个英语幽默故事,附加中文(50字内!)要4年纪的 英语小故事和英语诗歌和英语笑话3篇50字左右是10到20字 五分钟幽默哲理小故事 1:is that his pen?改复数 2:she is my good friend.改为一1:is that his pen?改复数2:she is my good friend.改为一般疑问句3:that is Cheng Long改一般疑问句4:it's dave.改一般疑问句 请问广州初一英语有什么语法内容?A、B册的都要,所有语法内容.我是问有什么语法点,例如冠词、定从什么的,答购书中心之类的不相干。 The installed version of Directx is not supported dy 永恒之塔出现了、The installed version of DirectX is not supported by Aion怎么解决、帮帮. 出现unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application.我的电脑出现打开文件,老是弹出Unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application.打不开文件.怎么办,我是小白!复制的别来.囧o(╯□╰)o. Directx has determined that a newer version of directx is already ins谢谢二楼的翻译,我想问的是电脑安装的是directX11,为什么安装directX9的游戏时会出现这个问题呢,最后游戏安装完了但是打不开。 Mismatch Directx version! 莫泊桑短篇小说精选读后感 莫泊桑短篇小说摘抄300字左右 读后感 莫泊桑短篇小说集的读后感怎么写?只要字数到500,内容丰富,不管是百度的,还是自己写的,但是百度上的最好改一下,多一点.a要文章,不要说什么自己想之类的话!