
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 17:30:22
she won't go to aspecialist because she dreads(be told)she is unable to have children用括号中词语的正确时态填空she knew she could not put off(go)to the dentist any longer I have a friend and she used to smoke cigarettes……I told her she should spend……这是12选10 能把原文发过来么 给20 She will go to me if she _____(have) problems 急!帮我用英文翻译一个故事(尽量不要太多复杂词汇,可稍作修改)课上三分钟演讲有两个人死后去见上帝.上帝问他们下辈子想做什么样的人.一种是一辈子索取的人,一种是一辈子付出的人. 3 Mary told me __she wanted to have an e-pal to chat with A \ B how C that D how She ought not___him about the truth, but she did. A to tell B telling C to have told D having told选哪个?为什么? 英语翻译:“你最近好像都没上线吧,我好失望啊,我有好多事情想对你说,你要听么?”怎么翻译为英语?RT快点噢! the best place -----(grow) flowers is the garden.填什么形式,为什么? “A garden is the best place to grow flowers”一定要是"a garden"吗,可以是“gardens"么或者说"a theatre is a good place to go"可以改成“the theatre"或者"theatres"么,如果可以,那么“good place"是否也要随之改呢 you want to have lunch with us?的发音这是新概念英语一册83课中的一句,现在听不明白want to的发音,听起来这两个在一起读/d/的音.这是怎么回事呢?我想学会它,因为毕竟是第一册的内容。而且是常 a flower grow in the garden 这句话对不对 with,do,want,you,lunch,have,me,to[连词成句 The flowers take a long time to___in the garden.a.grow up b.grow down c.grow in d.growThe flowers take a long time to___in the garden.a.grow up b.grow down c.grow in d.grow I want to go to the ____to have lunch with my friend. He transplanted the rare flowers to the botany garden _ it was the best time for them.A.where B.when C.until D.that 为什么选B? ...And She Told Me To Leave 歌词 Today is a fine day.It is ( ) day in this week.Today is a fine day.It is ()(fine) day in this week.when ( )(far) place you're ever been to? The service in this restaurant is very poor ,there are not enough waiters to wait to customers为什么用to啊 wait to 不好意思 不是wait to customers 而是wait on customers wait on I'll be waiting for you at the restaurant this time tomorrow.请问这句话为什么要用进行时啊?直接用i will wait for you可以吗 no Waiting on this side of the street today 求翻译,谢绝机译 英语老师在给我们上课,用英文怎么说? 初一英语作文:下面是某校对部分学生上学时所用的交通工具的调查结果,请根据表中内容写一则调查报告.姓名 距离学校 交通工具 时间(分钟)Hu lin 10km 地铁 8Jinwei 5km 自行车 15 Hanmei 2km 步 描写英语老师上课时的片段 为什么有时候听老外的英语听不懂,但用心听却可以听懂一些,泛听就不知说些什么?这该怎么办? We will have lunch in that restaurant today.(用let改为祈使句)请高手求救下到底是用 Let we 还是 Let us 还是 Let 's 比如I want you to have lunch,to have lunch理解成动词不定式表目的,对吗, we are going to baiyun restaurant to have a lunch 这句话有错吗we are going to baiyun restaurant to have a lunch这句话有错吗we are going to the baiyun restaurant to have a lunch这两句那句是对的 求一首词,是我高中课本上的是描写,宋徽宗国破家亡,妻子被抢的词,当时在多媒体上课,是用歌的形式放出来的,很凄凉也很好听,可就是记不起来名字了.有谁知道是什么吗 求一首词,是我以前高中课本上的,是描写,宋徽宗国破家亡,妻子被抢的词,当时在多媒体上课,是用歌的形式放出来的,很凄凉也很好听,可就是记不起来名字了.有谁知道是什么吗 All I have to do is loveing you forever This is the end forever什么意思 Forever,this is a brilliant