
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:06:42
万有引力公式中的r和黄金代换公式中的R各代表什么 有一种由Na2CO3和NaHCO3混合均匀的固体混合物,为测定其含量,取29.6g固体混合物,加入250mL某浓度的盐酸溶液,恰好完全反应,并放出标准状况下的CO2气体6.72L(1)(2)已算出,见图(3)另取混合物7 取一定量的NA2CO3,NAHCO3和NA2SO4的混合物与250ML,1.00MOL/L过量HCL反应,生成2.016LCO2(标),然后加入500ML,0.100MOL/LBA(OH)2溶液,得到沉淀质量2.33克,溶液中过量的碱用10.0ML,10.0MOL/L的HCL恰好完全中和,计算混合 时间之外总感觉 水滴和瞬间关系不一般, RC电路中的时间常数RC中R是整个外电路电阻还是跟电容串联的还是跟电容并联的电阻数值? 高二物理“外电路电阻增加一倍 路端电压也增加一倍”这句话为什么错? 含有电容或电感的外电路的等效电阻如何计算 电容器被击穿短路,外电路总电阻减小?请说明一下为什么?最好细细道来. learn from each other's strong points啥意思 Each person has his own strong points .帮我翻译一下,小弟的英语实在是. ? in unision with each other on some important points.However,as the Lucy and I are twin sisters.We always have a strong connection--we can almost read each other's .A lot of people say it is 1 for twins to have that connection 甲醇与氧气燃烧是放热反应还是吸热反应 含碱丰富的食物有哪些?对人的身体有什么好处? 什么是玉米芯如题 冬天吃什么东西好拜托各位大神 宁夏那里有收玉米芯的,收玉米芯怎么样? 碳在不充分燃烧时吸热吗?(快!) We two have the same idea= We _ _ each other填2单词 解释一下 We have _ each other.A.some different B.any differencefromC.some different about D.some differences from 雾凇的形成到底是凝华还是凝固? 雾凇到底是怎么形成的,两种说法,一种是凝固,一种是凝华搜索出来的答案有两种 He always says____(rudely)words.怎么做?快回答,还要原因 The strong man always says his meat looks____and sells_____A.well,good B.well,well C.good,good D.good,well “____ say die !"Father ____says to his son. A Always ;never B Hardly ;usually C Never ;“____ say die !"Father ____says to his son.A Always ;never B Hardly ;usually C Never ;always D Don't ; usual mike is always c____ .he says he never r____ what he did He is always in his words 在呼吸过程中,肺内气压与外界大气压相等的时期是( ).多选题A.呼气时 B.呼气结束时 C.吸气时 D.吸气结束时 You only need a book!翻译 帮我翻译成汉语,only people you need in your life are the ones who need you in their 将in fact,common people are the only ones who are allowed on the show.翻译成汉语 The goodwill of people who only need 7 seconds是什么意思