
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:44:41
椭圆中的离心角是什么详细的说明,连接里有图最好 My family [ ] happy and family [ ] at home now.用be的适当形式填空.理由?翻译?My family _______ happy and my family ________ at home now. 物理作业设计如何实现“三维教学目标” 英语翻译用支票向美国一个机构付款,对方说please have a check in the amount above(include the invoice number and Employer Identification Number(EIN)on the check),这两个号码分别是什么,从哪里获得呢? PERSONAL   IDENTIFICATION NUMBER是什么意思 DS160表格上有个问你 护照本编号(passport book number) 怎么填,是不是第一页竖着的8位数字?或者不用填写,勾上do not apply? Vehicle Identification 设函数f(x)=x-lxnx,数列an满足0 如何证明函数在开区间上连续?高数书上好像没说啊,直说在开区间内点处处可导即可,请问如何写到解题里呢? 用本来因为不但还造句 英语翻译The Bo Xilai Saga:With Wife Implicated in Murder,Ousted Chinese Official Loses Communist Party Postsoust 后面的一块儿不会翻译 China official backs N.Korea succession:KCNA,求标题翻译, 翻译:The other hand,in IT business a dinner cannot replace an official inte China to crack down on official partying to fight corruption,求标题翻译, 说几个小学6年级春季运动会口号.急 3(2X+1)(2X-1)-4(3X+2)(3X-2)过程 0.4/2-0.3x=3/2x(0.4在下面,2-0.3x在上面.3在下面,2x在上面)要有过程 get through to get across to get through get across用法区别`二楼滴,有get across to的,17.Did your speech ____ the audience?A.get through to B.get across to C.get through D.get across所以我问为什么? through能有在通过`房门吗?~~~across与through的区别~联系 through与across的区别 get through和get across表示“理解”的区别 get through与get across的区别After,he knew he could____any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.A get away with B.get on with C.get though D.get across= =.. 23中高一军训日记 5篇 800字急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 3天内 18号 到 23号 瞎编都可以 军训日记..800字 下列选项中有关罢免我国人大代表的规定符合选举法的选项有哪些A.罢免直接选举产生的代表须经原选区过半数的选民通过B.罢免直接选举产生的代表须经原选区参加罢免投票的选民的过半数 老师是怎么看出一个学生的智力的聪明与不聪明的. 一二题咋做 填空:The students ( )talk in class,but they( )talk after class. 一道英语题:if you talk to these senior students,you'll find that they have greatf you talk to these senior students,you'll find that they have greater knowledge than commonly _A.supposed B.suppose C.supposing 正解为A,为什么啊,求解! 地热的内能的计算方法按照1600立方米/天的开采量计算,地热的开发利用每天可节约煤多少吨(不计热损失)是地热井 开车6小时加上步行4小时等于218千米 第二天开车4小时步行3小时等于152千米 不能用方程 求开求公式…… Don't taik loudly at the meeting.If you do,you will have to leave.