
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:39:10
May l borrow your ruler?(同义句)Could you _______ your ruler _______ me,please? Can I borrow your pencil 的同义句是什么?以 Can I borrow 开头 后面四道横线. 英语中Can I borrow your pencil?的答句 I ____(visit) my grandma. I have to visit my grangma .同意句I have to __ ___ ___ my grandma.同意句:1.I have too much homework to do this weekend.__ ___ too much homework __ ____ to do this weekend.2.Let us discuss the science report.Let us __ ___ the My parents visit my grandma ( twice a month ) .对括号部分提问_____ _____do your parents visit your grandma I visit my grandma(用usually改写句子) “我最亲爱的”用英文怎么说?是我最亲爱的!不是亲爱的! 你永远是我最亲爱的 用英语怎么说如题 急用 我最亲爱的 英语怎么说 2*π+5*(根号5-根号10)√=根号 用计算机计算,保留三个有效数字大哥大姐们帮帮忙 x分之x-2≥0的过程及解法 -x^2+x+2 (x-2)x=0的解法及过程 (x-2)x≤0的解法和过程 让你别发哦 你还发哦 英语翻译 ()colour is your ruler?可以填what,where,who,how.并说明这样填的理由. 1.8x=2y+100 x等于多少 y等于多少 已知x^2-8x+y^2-y+16又1/4=0,求[(x+y)(x-y)-(x+y)^2-2y(x-3y)]÷4y的值 若|x-1/2|+(2y+1)^2=0,那么x+y=_____.-2的相反数与-1/2的倒数和的绝对值等于____.若|a|=4,|b|=3,且a,b异号,则|a-b|=_____.若a<b,则|b-a+1|-|a-b|=____.如果x<y<0,则花间|x|/x + |xy|/xy的结果为____. 求直线x 2y 1=0被圆x^2 y^2-8x-2y 12=0截得的弦长 方程x^2+y^2-8x+2y+a^2=0表示一个圆,则a的范围是 英语翻译汉语中就说、下横杆/下划线、杠/减号、杠、反斜杠.不知道英语里这些的一般表达方法是什么? 鸡和猪分开养但是距离很近会不会有什么问题 1/x-2+1=x+1/2-x,怎么解这个方程, myday为题 英语作文家翻译 excel 统计计数问题 计算表格中交叉条件判断的公式要怎么写图 统计表格中 综合 早上 包含打钩的个数 公式要怎么写 根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入适当的单词.Australia is the southern part of the earth.So w__(1) it is a hot summer at many other places,we have a cold w__(2) there.The weather in Austrlia is neither too hot nor too cold.I 如何区分sick和ill的区别这2个单词要如何区分开? sick和ill怎么区分? 英语翻译Someone said that Ideal life is the ideal of the life.I think my dream home is not very large,but it must be very beautiful.There are at least two gardens.One is at front and the other is at back.There arte many flowers inmy gardens.Then 1又4分之3x=6.25+2分之1x