
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:48:04
英语翻译必须和答案一样才给分,还是意思正确就给分?有没有给半分的?假如其他都对,一个单词拼错了给不给分? Can't you let __ help you?A.my friend and me B.my friend and I C.me and my friend D.I and my frien Tom has had a toothache all dayhad a toothache 这个表示什么 Tom has had a toothache all day为什么有两个have?顺便给我解释一下怎么用吧. 鞠躬... 英语图表题The bar chart indicates the amount of Japanese tourists traveling abroad and the percentage coming to Australia between 1985 and 1995.We can see from the first chart that there is a gradual increase by years.The data reached the bottom 英语问题——————tom climbed a mountain last weekend.___________?john has a toothache. Tom,youmustbrushyour_(tooth)beforegoingtobed 英语找错I’ve come here for half a year.Life here is very interesting.We got up early in the morning.After the breakfast,before classes begin,we often do some reading.We can now talk about the number of things with English.How happy I am.We have Tom has already finished his homework 改一般疑问Tom has already finished his homework 改一般疑问句 I wish you to have fun改为同义句 i wish u have fun . i wish all of you have fun here and enjoy every moment of our precious life.、 what did the writer do to deal with his troubles?的意思? Teachers are worried about the fact that new students are not easy to deal with.Teachers are worried about the fact that new students are not easy to deal with. 介词with的宾语是什么? These are called "fringe" publications and deal with the multitude of issues that are ignored by句子用these 是否有误,而应该用they 鸦片战争以来,中国社会各阶级分别提出了哪些建国方案?结局怎样?从中可得到哪些历 三、论述题 1.鸦片战争以来,中国社会各阶级分别提出了哪些建国方案?结局怎样?从中可得到哪些历史启示 谁能把Kelly Clarkson - Because of You这首歌的中英对照歌词给我我很想要这首歌的中英歌词~ 《耶律楚材传》哪里有不会的别掺和 英语翻译急用!最好能同时给出《西游录》的英译名. 耶律楚材请介绍音乐方面,我记得好像春雷琴啥的 三、论述题(共 2 道试题,共 24 分.)V 1.鸦片战争以来,中国社会各阶级分别提出了哪些建国方案?结局 下列运算符中运算优先级最高的是:( ) A.* B.C.&& D.>= 英语翻译如果我在宿舍没有被扣分,如果我有认真搞好卫生,如果我做好值日生的责任,就不会连累我的组员们写反思与说明书了.但,世界上没有后悔和如果,只有面对和逃避.如果我要对我的组员 Can you be friends with you -Why can't you be friends with him?-He doesn't seem _____ and I have already got many friends.A.nicelyB.niceC.badD.badly 我是一个女孩英语改肯定和否定 我写了几篇文章,文章性质像《青年文摘》,请问我可以到哪些地方去投稿? 想找《青年文摘》以前一片文章应该是97或98年的某一期,名字记不清,内容好像是:他如小说,我只看了一半,另一半的读者不是我. 学新概念英语第四册有意义么? 新概念英语第四册一共有多少课啊 谢 新概念英语第四册【随到随学班】在?