
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:47:00
用秸秆生成的可降解盒饭可被自然界的什么酶分解掉 在农村,秸杆堆放的时间长了会自然.这是为什么? 核废料要多久才能自然分解? 世界上最大的沙漠面积是多少?拜托各位了 3Q 英语翻译 我用四易估分四级456,沪江440.5,哪个准一些啊 他是当代最著名的运动员之一 He is one of the most famous他是当代最著名的运动员之一He is one of the most famous ______ ________后面两个空怎么填 Alice is one of the most famous .(sing) 世界上最大的海是什么海?3Q 世界上最大的东西是什么拜托各位了 3Q 请根据所给词的适当形式填空:Henry is one of the most famous ______ (design) in the world.design是啥意思 william shakepeare was one of ___ in the world.A.the most famous writer B.the most famous writersC.the famous writer D.most famous writerI think traveling by train is ____ of all.A.comfortable B.more comfortable C.most comfortable D.the most comforta 我想搞一个秸秆处理与生态农业的科创项目,用微生物降解后的秸秆用小麦的有机肥料来研究生态农业!请相关资深人士给提一些可行性建议!是用秸秆作肥料! 我同义句,He doesn't have time He doesn't have time to go there.(同义句)He doesn't have time to go there.He ______ ______ has time to go there. david doesn't have time _________money to go traveling.a.andb.orc.nord.either He doesn't have any time to stay with me同义句 he is( )one of the most famous writers in the city ()he lives.上题空中填什么? Do you know Mo Yan?Of course.He is one of the most famous writers I admireA.who B.when C.what D.whose E.that 第六题为什么选b啊, 梦见一个漂亮可爱的小女孩对自己笑,别人都不搭理他,我看她可怜最后我把她领走了 ,这说明什么?很着急 女孩对我笑是什么意思? a lot of和lots of有什么区别?还有kind of和a kind of和kinds of有什么区别? __I__ __ __ __,the book __ __ __the famous American writer,Mark Twain.如果我没记错的话,这本书是由著名的美国作家马克吐温写的. mark twain,the famous american是哪篇英语文章里的 已知线段a,求作边长为a的等边三角形 Timmy got up a bit too late this morning.He had _1_ in a hurry and rushed out of the house.In the garden he suddenly saw a butterful _2_ among the flowers.He stopped to try to _3_ it.But it was not easy.He put down his bag at the foot of a tree and r 列宁的故事谁有关于列宁《两个枕头》的故事?急 急 急 急 急 急 最早登上南极大陆的考察队是_______考察队填一个国家名A.比利时 B.英国 C.法国 最早登上南极大陆的考察队是_______考察队 急填一个国家名A.比利时B.英国C.法国 1989年—1990年横穿南极大陆的考察队队员来自 涤氨纶这个字 拼音涤氨纶 这个字怎么念