
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/18 14:12:05
The story is very in teresting改为一般疑问句并做肯定和否定回答 Don't forget to close the window when you leave home (改为同义句)____ _____ _____ the window when you leave home The boy is very lovely 变成一般疑问句怎么写 I just forget when i should stop to go home同义句 I just forget - - - and gohome 狡猾、果断、机灵、武断、糟糕,什么是褒义词,什么是贬义词? The farmer is busy now.改为特殊疑问句,一般疑问句 Don't forget to send me a short message when you reach home.A.yes,i dob.no,i don'tc.yes,i willd.no,i won't为什么选D不选C 狡猾,果断,武断,夸奖,机灵,精彩,勾结,夸耀,糟糕.分类一下 ,褒义词和贬义词,各位学霸请帮帮我狡猾,果断,武断,夸奖,机灵,精彩,勾结,夸耀,糟糕.分类一下\x0d,褒义词和贬义词,各位学霸请帮帮我 the book ____ is very interesting everyone likes it The book __(用it正确形势填空) is very interesting 用所给单词的适当形式填空:The book _____(it) is very interesting 为什么恋人之间喜欢送海豚?它究竟有什么含义? dolphin是什么意思 dolphin 的中文意思是什么?00000 miss a谁最火我很喜欢miss a的秀智,但是看到有人说孟佳在中国和韩国的人气都是最高的.但我觉得秀智明明更优秀,所以想求证一下 请问在韩国现在是miss A还是FX比较火 Miss大小姐献唱:甜美亮嗓《新年快乐》 是在那里?为啥?什么活动唱的? 提MISS MISS A2014年在北京开演唱会,大家觉得去的人会多吗? How is it going?和How are you?在做为问候语上,有区别么?回答Just great 和I am fine,有什么区别? How is it going怎么回答 用fine还是well回答______.Thank you怎么填 how is it going?怎么回答? this is a very interesting book .I‘ll buy it,____ . a. how much may it cost b. no matter how it cost c.however much it cost d. how may it cost ( 我选了b 在语法上有什么错误吗?为什么一定要是让步状语从句) This is a very interesting book.I'll buy it,_______.A.how much may it cost B.no matterhow it may cost C.however much itmay cost D.how may it cost 请说明理由 为什么是the dog is very lovely,不是a dog is very lovely 在墙里有什么,以H开头的英语单词 墙的英语单词怎么写, 夸奖属于褒义词还是贬义词 鼓励 团结 迟钝 赞美 挖苦哪个是褒义词,哪个是贬义词 求一篇关于过春节的作文400字左右,四年级水平,3Q。 求一篇过春节的作文500-700 要一篇关于春节的作文 春节作文一篇900字