
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 06:35:28
英语翻译就象高中的有些书后面有英汗对照一样不过我要里面有很多(数理化)常用词语的英汗对照 英语翻译 英文翻译“见效”名词 我要问道英语题:I’ll go to Shanghai on vacation.(对Shanghai提问)谢谢. we will go to shanghai for three days during the vacation of october _ A so does he B SO he does C so weill he D so he will 这种题目谁给我分析一下 我英语很差 老师 没讲 1、what do you do when you go to Shanghai on vacation?2、when is the best time to go Australia?回答: I will go to Shanghai by plane on businessI will ____to Shanghai on business2.She spends half an hour doing her homework every day ___ ___ ____half an hour to do her homework every day 写一篇以阳光为话题的作文,谢谢我是八年级的 英语中常用的集体名词有哪些? 以“走进阳光”为话题写一篇作文 各种生活用品的英文怎么说不要贴知道上有的!要家具家电家居的 以 心中的阳光 为话题写一篇作文以《我们的生活充满阳光》.《温暖的时刻》.《幸福像花儿一样》为题目500百字有关人与人之间发生的事 记叙文 生活用品英语怎么说 求科幻的生活用品的名词例如恒温床,胶凝报纸云云请随便编有限期:一天 Linda will go to Japan for vacation (in two days)就划线部分提问— — —linda—to Japan for vacation i am p_____ to go to shanghai for vacation with my parents I shall go to Shanghai for vacation这句话对不对? 高中还需不需要抄英语单词?我初中英语基础很好,单词也背得很牢,到了高中就明显退步了,不知道是不是因为高中不要求超单词呢?怎么办呢?望学长学姐点拨下!我是问需不需要抄写单词?我单 常用的1000个英语具体名词 英语常见词语!如 我 你 好 坏 之类的!可否多些最好能有50个左右! HE ____(STAY) AT HOME LAST NIGHT Mr.smith stay at home last night ,hdidn't go shopping.(保持原句意思不变)Mr.Smith stayed at home ________ ________ going shopping last night. she was often heard to sing in the morning.怎翻译 she was often heard in her own garden in the morning. a.sing b. to sing c.singsing d.sung my father came back home at nine o'clock last night.对at nine o'clock划线提 I arrive home at 4 o`clock.还是I arrive at home at 4 o`clock. she heard him sing a song just now的被动语态 我心中的阳光 作文600字急用要紧扣题目,立意深刻 作文我心中的那一道阳光600~650字 when are you going to hong kong同意句 Summer holiday iscoming.What are you——to do?We are going to HONG KONG for a———.—— are going to get——?we are going to stay?that sounds great.have a——time!thank you.横线怎么填 ,并翻译在一点九前写给我快—— are y 根据对话,补全单词.W( )are you going to Hong Kong?根据对话,补全单词.A:W( ) are you going to Hong Kong?B:The day a( ) tomorrow.A:How are you going to g( ) there?B;B( )train.A:How long are you going to s( )