
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 00:21:53
school days6集版是什么样的?讲什么的?和12集得有差别吗? 描写高兴的词 1We got stuck in the traffic jam,so we ___________ downtown very late and we missed the concert.是填arrived at 还是 got to 2.I have never _________a white horse.how I hope to have a ride ____on it A.ridden;ride B.rode;ride 3 white当白人讲,black当黑人讲 是可数名词还是不可数名词 谁有Lift thine eyes歌词? a good deal 做名词 时 是可数名词复数还是不可数名词 You are a hello kity hello are you-----对不起打错了 麻烦你们查一下 hello are you -----no we are------...... 否极方能泰来是什么意思? 祥细 否极能泰来是啥意思? “否极果然能泰来”什么意思? 否极后真的会泰来吗? In England,if you drive too fast,you will be fined seriously.What's more,it is very impolite toask _______money you get from your work and how old you are用适当短语填空 Schooldays中到底是世界好还是桂好?看过SCHOOL的发表下感想 她们两个谁对谁错,我无法理解,但是有1点可以肯定 城是人渣 有关a boy you've never seen before的句子 荆岳长江大桥什么时候能完成今年能完成吗 那么The air hostess tells some passengers not to smoke on the plane.怎么改变句式呢?The air hostess___some passengers__smoking on the plane. 在( )里填上合适的单位名称 0.3( )412( ) 桂花在古诗词里面寓意什么?就比如说柳枝寓意离别的伤感.例:人闲桂花落 桂花 ( ),报告秋风来到. If the _______ in the test is too small,we can not get a good result.A.sampleB.percentC.leisureD.flight She gets a camera to my dad for his bithday.上面的bithday应该是birthday I've become so tired so much more aware,I may end up failing too,But… 求翻译 ___ you become more experienced,you'll be more confident.为什么as对?as不是前后没有时间间隔的吗?还有,when、while对不对? 形容伟人兢兢业业的词语或句子. 我想问1下School day 和 school days HQ 如什么分别 求school days HQ 下载1. 新三民主义为什么新民主主义革命领导阶级是无产阶级而它的性质却和旧三民主义革命的性质同为资产阶级革命? “新三民主义”对“新民主主义革命”的影响 帮忙看看这句英语 The moment when he thought he would die for sure,a beautiful princess,who was inThe moment when he thought he would die for sure,a beautiful princess,who was in read clothes,was riding her white horse passed by.是否正确? home shopping television networks have become a _1_for many people to shop without ever having to leave their homes a.program b.way c.reason d.idea