
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 01:14:24
Do you go to work by bus ? _______ A .yes,but I did B.No,but I do C.No,but I used toD.No,but I did not 京师同文馆什么时候造的,宗旨是什么 京师同文馆由谁创办还有点其他的哈~..1.鸦片战争后,( )取代( ),又是中国农家的( )与( )分离;2.中国第一批近代企业是( )创办的( );3.中国资本主义萌芽出现于( )(填时期 京师大学堂和京师同文馆创办的背景,两所学校起到的共同作用是什么 蛇为什么要不停吐信子 can i change the chinese currency back to us dollars with the receipt before leaving your country.can i change the chinese currency back to us dollars with the receipt before leaving your country. 蛇为什么要时不时地吐出信子? 极度的人性弱点,是那么丑陋的一面是什么意思 Jim doesn\\\'t have a brother___sister?A.and B.and a C.or D.or ac 还是 d Our love will go on翻译英语翻译 65.Anne couldn't concentrate ____ what she was doing while her family were watching TV. The film is in change of a man from a European country.改错! The change that this country has undergone is by no means restricted to its economic growth. Is there ______ a book in English(so,such) 1 The little boy is very gald to get _____ interrsting book.A so an B an so C very a D such an希望给予解释 “All _____ present and all _____ going on well.” our monitor said.A.is; is B.are; are C.are; is D.is; are 京师大学堂与京师同文馆 的区别 英语:i had a hard time getting through this novel 这里为什么不是to het through I had a hard time getting throught this novel I had a hard time getting throught this novel,who can remember the names of all those fort-five characters in it a.I found the book difficult b.I've learned a lot about names c.I don't remenber the titl To show how much we're going to miss her.为什么用we're going to to show how much we are going tomissto show how much we are going tomiss her,to show 只要to show how to say how much i miss you "他是否能来"翻译成英语,可以这样吗?Whether he can come or not?. He is come翻译下 I hope you all have a blessed day.It may be raining,but there's a rainbow above you帮忙翻译成中文!急` 跪求汤姆叔叔的小屋好词好句以及评析! 汤姆叔叔的小屋好句 英语翻译高手来~正如你所看到的很多游客来这里观光_____________,many tourists come here to visit. “翻过来翻过去”用什么成语代替怎么作 什么成语的意思是 翻过来翻过去,一次又一次明天要交! 你认为朋友应该具备哪些品质呢?请从下列描述朋友的词语中选出你认为最重要的三个品质,并简要解释你认为它最重要的原因?【 最重要的是要告诉me原因!】good-lookinghumoroushonestfriendlyhealthyhelp 人性的丑恶关于"人性丑恶"~大家对此有何看法..希望说得比较详尽...我是要大家发表自己的看法..不是说什么"这是见仁见智"等话...