
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 10:08:40
the first two children 做主语应该用单数还是复数如果是first two children 做主语呢?THE影响单复数吗? The child 后面跟单数还是复数 Shall we go for a walk改为同义句___ ____ going for a walk? 咖啡伴侣 植脂末是什么 His favourite subjects are science and math.(同义句改写) He( )science and math ( ) of all the ( ) 用词的适当形式填空I am not good at math ,it is______ (bad)of all my subjects. He is good at all the subjects except “蚁冬局山之阳”的“阳”是啥意思? 老马识途 翻译:“蚁冬居山之阳的意思“蚁冬居山之阳”和“春往冬反,迷惑失道”两句话的意思 I am babysiting my sister at home this Sundad的同义句 My sister and I are at home and help father () the house.()中填A、cleans B、cieaning C、clean D、cleaned 三年级同学120人排成4路纵队,也就是4个人一排,排成了许多排,现在知道每相邻两排之间相隔1米,这丈队伍长多少米? I am putting away the toys 什么 my little sister 改错,I am little more out going than my sister. in the ninth grade of ***middle school怎样翻译? He is in Class Ten,Grade One at the No .1 Middle School.改为同义句 有没有英语作文《Subjects for Grade 7 in the US》要内容 I am interested in all my school subjects同义转换I _ _ in all my school subjects ( ). The woman looks very _____ to us.A. beautifulB. wonderfullyC. kindlyD. friendly ___ much progress you can make in all your subjects in the future,you should keep modest.A.howeverB.whatever You can't make much progress in your physics unless you study hard(保持原句意思)you_____ make much progress in your physics_____you study hard. PLEASE LOOK AFTER MOTHER怎么样 什么动物怕被雨水淋了 我想问问,蚂蚁聚集在一起很多,那是什么情况? 怎么去车锁上的锈迹.前几天被雨水淋了一下 锁都锈了.不要用化学方法!第一.我是个学生 第二.我需要最简单最方便的方法 煤怕雨水淋吗 自己家里买的煤准备冬天烧,请问煤怕水淋吗 甲乙两人同时由A地步行去B地,甲每小时走5千米,乙每小时走3千米,当甲到达B地时,乙距B地还有6千米,...甲乙两人同时由A地步行去B地,甲每小时走5千米,乙每小时走3千米,当甲到达B地时,乙距B地还 Cartoons are---,so children are very----in them. 如何画出一条光射到球面上的反射光线? 甲每小时走5千米,乙每小时走3千米,同向走,甲比乙晚出发m时,乙走n时(n大于m),两人相距几千米 填空:____cheese do you want?——Half a kilo 新买来的铝壶用来烧水时,内壁被水淹没处有黑色物质生成,底部有白色物质生成(1)黑色物质是铁,其形成过程的方程式是?(2)白色物质是水垢,用盐酸来除去,除去其中的氢氧化镁的反应方