
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:24:06
图灵奖有中国人拿过嘛? 去哪领图灵奖 Don't you think?I Wanna be with you...请问中文翻译成... The girl is ___ to go to school.选项:A.old enough B.enough old C.enough older D.older enough Tom's not passing the exam made his father very angry!请问passing主句中做什么成份! I wanna ask a girl out to dinner.How to say to her?I'm so nervous. 英语填空(用Wh-words):回答是:She usually takes the bus.( ) does she go to work? 六级作文什么意思how to do well in studyingsHow to do well in school without studying 'is over there in fiction section 怎样才能到澳洲打工?我朋友在中国找不到工作,想到澳洲打工,条件是什么?请知情的人士帮忙.额……认真点啦!签证的话是要哪种类型的呢?还要办理什么手续? The singer and pianist ___ going to hold a concert in the Bird's Net next week.为什么用is 不用are He is the pianist of the day这里为什么不用the best pianist.有什么区别吗?the day 是当代的意思,不是什么天才的意思.这句话是说他是当代最好的演奏家.只是我不太明白为什么不用the best pianist而是用the 填写成语之最:最高明的计谋( )一定要最好的! 成语之最:最贫的土地,最高明的医术,最机灵的人,最坚... Sorry,I can't help you.-_____A.Thank you all the time.B.That's all right.C.That's right.D.You're welcome. “哥伦布一回到意大利,就把这些船员起死回生的奇迹将给医生听.”找出这句话里的反义词快!明天老师就要收了 仿写句子 医生说:“幸福是我们能治病,他们恢复了健康,多么幸福.” 清洁工说:“ 建筑工人说:“ 张世泽从小立志当一个起死回生的好医生,为人们接触病痛修改比句 She is from Britain.She come from britain.翻译成中文有什么区别?译成她是英国人.她来自英国? 英语高考题:1道单选,3道改错(每题一个错误).( ) Walking alone in the dark,the boy whistled to ___ his courage. A.hold up B.keep up C.set up D.take upEverything has been considerately prepared.It only appears for the guests dip the bread 怎么翻译 match sth against/with I come from Shanghai .是客观事实吗? i'm from shanghai .是什麽意思? 十道英语单选,求大神给出标答 I'm thankful to the soldier,without _____ rescue,my son would have been drowned.A.whose B.which C.whom D.hisThe students were busy going over their lessons,only ____once in a while to have a rest.A.to stop B.stopping C.stoppe go out from door to door 意思? 填空 he want to enjoy the c______ life in his parents' home . shutting the door behind you ,or the dog will go out.请问这句话对吗?在宾语从句中,主句如果是助动词,情态动词所提的疑问句,从句应用什么时态。 can sweep l floof the怎么连词成句? What I got make my parents_____(happy) the dog seemed very quiet,but we still dared not(do anything)to upset it.dare后面应该怎么用doing do我一直没搞清 what have we said -- her so happyA.makes B.to make C.made D.has made选B 是固定结构还是目的状语什么的?B 我想知道为什么选B~