
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 06:31:18
sure和of course在用法上有什么区别? sure,of course,certainly区别 英文“sure”和“of course”用法有什么不同?英文“sure”和“of course”都是当然的意思,但用法有什么不同? sure,of course,certainy区别一个同学在英语面试的时候经常使用certainly表示肯定的回答,考官似乎很不满意.请问这几个词在英语中分别用在什么场合,有什么区别.谢谢~ 回收站用英语怎么说 回收站英语怎么说 电池回收站英语怎么说? 英语翻译有朋友知道吗 雅思剑8 你认为中原经济区的发展前景怎样? 雅思剑八阅读test4答案 雅思剑8阅读答案TEST4 passage1讲日本教学的判断对错的第一题是什么?我觉得答案好像错的 求雅思剑4-8阅读详解~~~ 剑桥雅思8 888888888,test1 阅读RT,T1 R中的14-18题中的一个选项我不知道为什么要选H?THEN,23题,怎样翻译那句话?我选择TRUE.T3 R中的30题为什么选F?听力年月日可以这样写吗?eg,November 28th,though November.T1 单词拼写We are no l--- little children,we should learn to take care of ourselves.快 would you mind playing basketball?I am sorry.would you mind not playing basketball?I am sorry.回答者在这两句中是介意还是不介意 would you mind moving your desk?A.yes i would B.sorry,i'll do it now C.wait a minute D.no probleD.no proble求回答! The doctor advised her that she_____ enough rest before going back to workA.to getB.getC.getsD.got the doctor assured that there was ________ with her.nut she could not help worryingA nothing serious wrong B nothing seriously wrong选什么为什么 听力教程(上海外语教育出版社)第一册的文本哪里有下…自己练习,想买listen to this.适合第几册?是买学是买学生用书还是教师用书。我大一,英语专业的。向有经验者求助… 请问谁有listen to this英语初级听力教程Lesson30的听力原文? 谁有 Stay here Forever 歌曲空间链接 According to the meaning of the sentence and the prompt,fill in the blanks with proper pronouns.1.My father did not want e_____ of the two shirts and asked for a _____.2.—_____ is Tom like?—Oh,he's short and fat.3.Millie told me the secret.You ca According to the meaning of the sentence and the prompts to complete the sentence.1.Wearing a smile on your face not only helps you make friends but also makes you ____(feel) better.2.Hurry up,or we can't ____ (arrive at) the railway station on time. 各位帮忙看看.According to the meaning of the sentence and the prompts to complete the sentence.The story Snow White is exciting and children enjoy ____(listen) to it again.Local people like to ____(放飞)kites and take a walk in Olympic Sp 我的名字叫刘辉 想要个英文名 帮我改一下这个雅思小作文是剑5 test1的小作文The graph illustrated changes in the proportion of the population aged 65 and over form 1940 to 2040 in Japan Sweden and USA (这三个城市前介词in用的对么?有更好的表达么? 帮忙起个英文名,我的名字叫刘乐我的名字叫刘乐, 男, 90年的. 起个听文名,谢谢了 我的名字叫:刘 育 豪 英文名该叫啥好啊? 我的名字叫刘雨萌;请帮我改个英文名 一句子看不懂,The S&P 500 also pushed back up into positive territory for the year ,up 0.42 percent.positive territory这两个句中词不大理解,大家怎么理解的, 求英语中级和高级听力(Listen to this)的文本?很急!最好是WORD的.可以发我邮箱betty.abc@163.com