
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 11:52:45
求翻译!Chicken little was in a gentleman 's garden,where she had no right to be. then she waters the garden请翻译有答必采纳 miss you She gets up late and often _the early bus马上要 the water is ——hot;She feels ——hungry;He has ——friends here,用 a little .、 a felw ,little ,.few 填空.怎么填啊. He is driving ( ) the car.A in front.B in the front of.C in front of.D at front driving a car, my father answers a phone call. 这样用可以吗?求分析 请问外国人是怎么用英文称呼百度的 异性老外对我的英语称呼,小女子的老板,华裔美国人,比我大很多,平时很照顾我,关系还不错,以前喜欢称呼我为little sister.但是最近,语气变的更亲切了,比如my little princess,my angel之类.请问这是 人与自然界的关系辩证分析人类合理利用自然界的话会怎没样,否则的话会怎没样? 有哪些阅读和写作的高招 he will make lots of friends at his new school.改一般疑问句,并做肯定回答 he has few friends in the new city ,( ) he A hasn't B doesn't C does D did The boy is not happy at the new school.He has ________ friends there.为什么用few,为什么不用little 如何教语文阅读和写作? 在人类社会早期,人与自然之间的关系主要是? 在人类社会早期人与自然之间的关系主要是什么 在人类社会早期人与自然之间主要是什么共存关系 人与自然界究竟是成什么关系? Would like_____(some tea)? It is reported that two men were killed in a car about early this morning. 这个句子有错误吗? It so___that two men were caught in the act of hunting wildlife in Daxinganling.a.occurredb.happenedc.took placed.arose请问这道题是考什么知识点的?要选哪一项?请说明下原因,最后帮我翻译一下句子. 蟑螂的生存温度是多少,多少度的低温会死亡?冬天打窗户,可不可以利用室外的低温杀死它们. 低温烹饪温度怎么控制?低温烹饪的最佳温度是多少度? 我的朋友昨天带我去看了一场京剧表演:my friend ( )me to beijing ( ) shou yesterday. My uncle flew to beijing yesterday(同义句) My uncle ————to beijing ______ ______ the old man was the only person that died in the car crash.____else was rescued.A Everone B anyone C someone D none 陶瓷素烧烧温度1230,釉烧1100,在釉烧时不超过素烧温度,还会变形吗? 关于读书未必有益的资料 My friend gave me some______ products yesterdayMy friend gave me some______ products yesterdayA ground B area C floor D local选A哒~ 小孩喜欢用蓝色黑色等深颜色画画,这是什么性格 从画看出人的性格?我曾听说过一幅画可以体现一个人的性格,该怎么判断?有朋友知道吗?