
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 21:21:25
英语:别来打扰我怎么说?希望知道的用户告诉我. My mother has a knife 改为否定句 The book must _____HanMei.I has her name on it.a.be b .belong to c.is请问这个空填哪个?一定要说明一下是为什么呀? she said the book (belonged)to her because she saw the name on it.答案是belonged,为什么 it is my opinion that much can be done!强调句的所有改法,意思差不多也行 Invalid session:Session not exist ——> 淘宝宝贝提示,淘宝跟国际接轨了?英文翻译过来的意思是:会议:会议不存在无效.我也搞不懂!他想表达什么呢? It is possible for me that much can be done.这句话对么?顺便翻译下意思 _____it comes to the issue under discussion,there is not much that can be doneA When B As long as C If D As far as Why is it believe that much remains to be done before black Americans enjoy they are their good friands改为一般疑问句 It's hard to get good grades.同义句It's _____ _______ to get good grades. 为什么不能用THAT引导?什么情况下什么从句那些引导词前要有先行词?请帮我分析下句子结构谢谢Many people have been ill from a strange disease these days,_______We’ve never heard of before.A.one B.that C.it D.this 如何获取session中的session id? setcookie("userid",$rows['id'],(time()+3600),'/',''); session_unset(); session_destroy(); setcookie都是什么意思 userid where id='"&session("id")& 服务器端如何判定session的id? 为什么yes,they are中的they are不能缩写 they are能不能缩写,We are能不能缩写 far more Disease can be as harmful,if not more so,to the well-being and progress of a nation than wars or economic depression.这句话如何理解? He was seen___something from the shop.A.steal B.to steal C.to be stolen D.stealed ( )He was seen__something from the shop. A.steel B.to steal C.to be stolen D.stealed 应该选什么? 我是男的,我的名字是阿索,希望有个英文名!希望个位给取个!希望能跟我名字同音的 He has seen ___ something from the shop .A.steal B.to steal C.to be stolen D.stealed "I __________ not do my homework," said the boy."You __________," said his father.A.will,will B.shall,shall C.shall,will D.will,shall为什么 We use it to ask questions.猜一个字母从P C A Y I Q B D H T里面选. we take turu to ask the questions修改病句 session aborted是什么意思 我的e家 session giggling session 什么意思 和“亮”同音的英文名帮忙取个 帮我取一个中文同音英文名我名叫贺乙辰,请帮我根据中文名取一个英文名