
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/01 00:27:54
how about watching TV at home,watching是动名词,句中也该要有be动词,怎么这个没呢 How many knifes are therein the box?How about talk with me?Can I ataying at home and watch TV?Can I ataying at home and watch TV?哪错了 用所给词的适当形式填空:How about ____ (babysit) at home?横线上填什么?括号里的单词又是什么意思? 英语翻译如题~据说运用了肯定与否定的翻译法~我就觉得有点纠结~ 英语翻译I would say that any country that does benefit from the present Western Hegemony is an enemy of the USA We have a lots of food_____dinner.That's not good for us.A in at B at C for D on 西奥多罗斯福采取了什么措施鹿和狼的故事 读了鹿和狼的故事自己对西奥多罗斯福想说的,急 Additional Private Equity 确切的含义是什么啊?Additional Private Equity private equity buyouts 是经济方面的词汇 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 我们在周一、周二和周五上语文课.We( )( )on monday,tuesday and friday?上完体育课我们很累.We( )very( )after P.E.在中国,星期四是一周的第四天.In China,( )is the ( )day of a week.我 是不是一般现在时第三人称单数大多数动词都加s,而现在完成时第三人称单数只有have改为第三人称单数 on monday friday we and have science 连成一个句子 You can say that again. do want why they penguins see those to 连词成句 you know the woman in a black coat?这里的in a black coat做什么成分 fund 和 foundation 作为基金有什么区别? 中国的基金像南方绩优之类的属于mutual fund吗? 形容相爱却不能在一起的句子 形容相爱又不能在一起的诗句 even though she hated the job,she finished it at last这句话是不是有点矛盾啊. 鲁邦三世 the last job 的主题曲不是我贪心,这首是很棒,分数我会给的,如果有片头的我+50 关于难忘的小学生活的题材 strip hedge 和 stack hedge 举例说明 苏州2011年12月过后的月全食和流星星座是在什么时候出现 关于星座或流星的想象作文、 600字左右,谢啦. At last Jim r____ his mistakes.He said sorry to his mother. A caused by B,是A引起的B,还是B引起的A? caused by和be cause by的区别 caused by 在SAT语法中正确么caused by 正确么 例如:In Alaska, the ground is riddled with ice wedges, many quite ancient, caused by the cold earth cracks and the cracks fill with water. 答案是改成when the cold earth cracks.那么是 caused by chance 用一个单词代替 problems caused by deforestation给六点最好简单易懂