
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:37:56
英语再见有几种 There's something in what you said.his student was not going to do as he had been taught.one is ready to accept flattery even if he doesn't want it atall.这3句话的中文意思! There is something to what he's just said.这个句子应该怎么分析?是什么结构?那个‘to’在这里是怎样的用法或语法现象? there is something in he said.A what B when C where There is something to be said for的意思 连词成句 color,are,the,map,pen,the,what,and 国庆节里会做什么事?用英文写不少于60个词The Nationai Day is coming.What are you going to do during the holidats?Say something sbout your plan. what ( )this in English 选择适当的形式填空 有:are it or color pen 帮忙写个国庆节发生的事情!(英文)最少80字.一字一分.好的我再加分. what color is the pen答句 有关国庆节的英语小段文手抄报要用的要上学了 color,is,what,the,pen组成一句话是什么? 以my hobby为题写一篇50字的英语作文 my hobby英语作文50词 school,there,ball,many,games,in,are,your(?) Are there any clubs in your school?应该怎么回答呢?(否定回答) 完整的回答 Are there any trees in your school? are there any girls in your school?(改肯定句)_ __girl in our school._ _ _shi heng xian 英语翻译高水平都帮我翻译下吧.谢谢啦.好多单词都不认识看晕了.I learned that I want the people I deal with to say what they really believe and to listen to what others say in reply, in order to find out what is true. I learne 用英语说告诉某人有关某事 “告诉某人不要做某事”的英文怎么说 告诉某人做某事用英语说6种老师要六种啊 Are there any machines in your home?(作出肯定回答) Are there any stores c____ to your home? Are there any friends in your home?(改为肯定陈述句) 用英语含what colour翻译:这件衣服是什么颜色的?在该句中主语是what colour还是colour? what colour is it .这个怎么翻译呢 求一篇My hometown的英语作文,不少于80词~多谢了我的家乡在广西桂林,它位于中国的南方,这里是一个风景优美的旅游城市,这里有一座山,因为它像一只大象在江边喝水,所以叫象鼻山,是桂林的城 my hometown 80字,英语作文,快,急死啦 以My Hometown为题写不少于80字的英语作文我家在常州溧阳 My Hometown的英语作文80词要求简单明了用简单词语 以My Hometown 为题写一篇英语作文80词左右1我的家乡大约有9万人口,有一所医院,两座工厂及10所学校人们工作都很努力.2希望5年后家乡的污染会减少,将有许多的树,许多高楼大厦,人们的生活会