
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 07:00:31
特洛伊战争中谁用了木马计说清人物, 关于传说或是在古书中记载过的英雄传说,类似这种的:如古希腊《荷马史诗》中的木马计大约在200字左右,简短点 说出希腊神话中特洛伊之战中对阵双方两位主角英雄的名字,是在木马计之前对阵的英雄,几乎决定对阵战胜负. In this life you will encounter some of the people really loved you?This life..You will encounter Some of the people you love?.Really get to know you + I There are always some things,let you inadvertently,you see some people. The old man__ at the young man__ __ __那三空怎么填 What are some reasons people use liiegal drugs?Please answer in english.Thank you. what dou you think are some of the reasons that people carry out experiments这里的 that 关于特洛伊战争 What are some reasons for having zoos?What are some reasons for not having zoos?Make a chart What are the __(policeman) doing?They are talking to some people.为什么 特洛伊战争是真实的么? 国徽是什么组成的 我国国徽是有什么四部分组成的? The man who is smoking 这句话是不是定语从句,是的话那么这句话的先行词是什么■■■■■■■■■我问的是先行词是什么 She( ) the young man’s name.在括号里填个词. The young man lives___(not far away).限填一词The young man lives___(not far away).Ten people___(injure or kill sb./sth. by fire)to death in the hotel. 消防水管可以用不锈钢管吗 because是不是有个简写方式‘cause because口语缩写“'cuz”“'cos”“'cause”在口语中怎么使用?就是because读成那个就行了? coz 是不是because的缩写?他们有什么关系啊? direct material prime cost 和product cost的不同 亚洲西部的国家的国旗的月亮图形通常是甚麼意思? ACCA F3财务会计问题,cost属于哪种账户?我本来一直把cost of good sold当作expense,这样解释赊销时dr.COS cr.inventory,我觉得expense增加capital就会减少,dr.COS正好没问题……后来发现好像不太对的样子,cost 将句子改为被动语态1.My friend saw her go out ten minutes ago.2.We must plant more trees in this city.3.The girl didn't look after her little brother.4.Jane's teacher makes her clean her room once a day.5.Have you written down all the words?6 绞丝旁加个条纹的条是什么字,怎么读 正方:“网络使人们亲近”反方:“网络使人们疏远” 我是正方一辩,求一篇开篇陈词! 绞丝旁加个秦字怎么读啊 While the Custer period of direct military action against Indians may be over in the United States,more subtle though equally devastating “legalistic” manipulations continue to separate Indians from their land and their sovereignty.请翻译并 请帮忙翻译以下的中文意思(尽量专业一些),The cost is like traders price to direct buyer.my 晋书•王羲之传的翻译