
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:03:44
lt s_ (sun)today -Look!_____. -Oh, I see.Thank you.A.Here comes the bus B.The bus comes hereC.There the bus comes D.Here the bus comes请问选什么?为什么 have a test __ geography一个介词 have a physical test的 意思有助于回答者给出准确的答案 17. Which of the following is not involved in making the British foreign policy? A. The Queen of Britain B. The Foreign and Commonwealth office C. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet D. The Ministry of Defence and the Treasury英语国家 为什么飞机、船只在百慕达三角洲会神秘失踪? Eating an apple a day is considered ____.A healthy B healthful C healthily D health Eating an apple a day considered____.A.health B.healthful C.healthily D.healthy还有详细解析BCD选项...B.D是adj 对吧.那c是adv .究竟在什么情况下选择什么词呢 小的语法基础差请救助 Eating a banana a day is considered ( ).A.health B.healthful选B,这两个单词有什么区别?对不起,打错了,是healthyhealthy和healthful有什么区别? He is surprised when he sees the snack on the floor(同义句)He_____________________the snack on the floor the boy seemed surprised when he heard the new.同义句转换( )( ) ( )the boy was surprised when he heard the nes. Guo Peng is his brother.怎么改为否定句 tie改其中一个字母能变成什么词 what she feared m____ was snake. he make use of the time ( )he can play添when 还是that?上面句子是不是定语从句修饰的宾语?I will never forget the day ( )we spent together by the sea?finall came the day ( ) he had to begin his study for the nest term.是添that 还 leaps down after 阿凡达剧本里某一句:JAKE SPLASHES down into a swiftly moving river.The thanator LEAPS DOWN AFTER HIM,pursuing from rock torock,its claws swiping like a grizzly fishing for salmon. I'll bring him ratchet tie down kits是什么意思? 英语的常用介词都有哪些(包括常用介词短语) 以"dao "为开头的成语有吗? I play in the rain.I play in the sun.I eat lunch at 12'o'clock at home.还有一句.I eat lunch at 12o'clock at KFC. 三角洲 之迷 is的现在分词是什么 what is 现在分词的应用? from a region of seven million people has arisen some of the greatest pop music in the world 怎断句 be interesting 关于 be interesting in I’m ___ in playing soccer .A、much interesting B、much interested C、more interesting D、more interested 余霞,一个文静,可爱的女孩儿,希望大家能帮忙取个好听的英文名,最好能与中文名读音相近,中文名:余霞 性格:文静,可爱,充满文学气息 大家帮忙取个好听的英文名哈,最好与中文名读音相近 Nobody replied at the meeting怎么解释Nobody Whathe said at the meeting was ( ) nobody could agree with him.A.SO BSO THAT CSUCH DSUCH THAT长沙市一中和长郡的名师导学的题.没有漏。所以才问问的。有条件的看下P88第5小题 Nobody replied at the meeting怎么解释replied Yao Ming is a baskerball s_____补充单词,使符合句意